Zendframework 3 — невозможно инициализировать Zend / http

По теме, как решить проблему инициализатора для Zend / Http?

В моем контроллере:

use Zend\Http\Client;

class AuthController extends AbstractActionController
* Entity manager.
* @var Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager
public $entityManager;

* Post manager.
* @var Application\Service\PostManager
private $postManager;

private $sessionManager;

* Constructor is used for injecting dependencies into the controller.
public function __construct($entityManager, $postManager, $sessionManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
$this->postManager = $postManager;
$this->sessionManager = $sessionManager;

public function indexAction()
// Create the form.
$form = new LoginForm();
if (!empty($this->sessionManager->username)) {
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('plan', ['controller'=>'index', 'action'=>'index']);
else {
// Check whether this post is a POST request.
$this->sessionManager->username = '';
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {

// Get POST data.
$data = $this->params()->fromPost();

// Fill form with data.
if ($form->isValid())
// Get validated form data.
$data = $form->getData();
$this->sessionManager->username = $data['email'];

$postUrl = "http://example.com/jwt/auth/login/";

$config = array(
'adapter'   => 'Zend\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl',
'curloptions' => array(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true),
$client = new Zend\Http\Client($postUrl, $config);

$client = new Zend\Http\Client;
'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
$client->setMethod('POST'); //uncomment this if the POST is used
$client->getPost()->set('username', $data['email']);
$client->getPost()->set('password', $data['password']);

$client = new Client;


$response = $client->dispatch($client);

// Redirect the user to "index" page.
return $this->redirect()->toRoute('application', ['controller'=>'index', 'action'=>'playground']);


// Render the view template.
return new ViewModel([
'form' => $form

в config \ modules.config.php:

return [


Фатальная ошибка: Необученное исключение
‘Zend \ ModuleManager \ Exception \ RuntimeException’ с сообщением ‘Модуль
(Zend \ Http) не может быть инициализирован. ‘ в
Трассировки стека:

Zend \ ModuleManager \ ModuleManager->loadModuleByName (Object (Zend \ ModuleManager \ ModuleEvent))

Zend \ ModuleManager \ ModuleManager->LoadModule ( ‘Zend \ Http’)

Zend \ ModuleManager \ ModuleManager->onLoadModules (Object (Zend \ ModuleManager \ ModuleEvent))

Zend \ EventManager \ EventManager->triggerListeners (Object (Zend \ ModuleManager \ ModuleEvent))

онлайн 203

Я что-то упустил?



Попробуйте скачать пакет через композитор с помощью этой команды:

composer require zendframework/zend-http

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