Загрузка файла jquery.form работает в локальной системе, но не на сервере — после отправки на сервер отображается пустая страница

Я использовал плагин jquery.form для загрузки файла (скачал код с http://malsup.com/). Он отлично работает на моем локальном компьютере, но показывает пустую страницу после отправки формы на сервер. Я установил права доступа к файлам 777 для каталога, куда должны быть загружены файлы. Код «из коробки» отлично работает на сервере. Тем не менее, я включил его в мою мобильную установку jquery и добавил операции с базой данных и формы удаления файлов. Хотя он работает как задумано локально, он отображает пустую страницу на сервере. Не отображается никаких ошибок, файлы не загружаются, база данных не обновляется. Похоже, что код обработки не выполняется вообще. Я пытался повторить что-то в начале кода обработки формы, и этого тоже не происходит, поэтому похоже, что форма ajax не отправляется.

Вот код для формы и второй для обработки.

require_once ("lib/required.php");
$_SESSION['login_data'] = get_login_data();

# Login Protected Page - send them back home
if (!$_SESSION['login_data']['user_logged_in']){ # not logged in
$redirect_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . '/' . HOME_PAGE;
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # must be logged in - send them to homepage
} elseif ($_SESSION['login_data']['group_title'] != 'Landlord'){ # logged in but not a Landlord
$redirect_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . '/' . HOME_PAGE;
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # id mismatch - send them to homepage
} elseif (isset($_GET['memid']) && $_GET['memid'] != $_SESSION['login_data']['id']){ # logged in but memid in url is no match (typed in?)
$redirect_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . '/' . HOME_PAGE;
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # id mismatch - send them to homepage
} elseif (isset($_GET['propid'])){
if (!$foo = sql_get_results_array("SELECT * FROM " . DBPREFIX . "tbl_property WHERE property_id = " . $_GET['propid'] . " AND landlord_id = " . $_GET['memid'])){ # logged in but propid in url is no match (typed in?)
$redirect_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . '/' . HOME_PAGE;
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # id vs property mismatch - send them to homepage

# DO NOT include the code below on PayPalP Pay Subscription Page
# This code MUST BE INCLUDED on every Login Protected Page
# check subscription and send them to PayPal if not valid
if (!valid_subscription($_SESSION['login_data']['id'],$_SESSION['login_data']['membership_expiry'],$_SESSION['login_data']['grace_expiry'],$_SESSION['login_data']['subscription_fee'])){
$_SESSION['popup_msg_id'] = 37; # this is to popup a "final call" message
$redirect_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . "/" . PAYPAL_PAY_SUBSCRIPTION_PAGE . "?memid=" . $_SESSION['login_data']['id'];
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # send them to referring page where resulting messages will be displayed
# DO NOT include the code above on PayPalP Pay Subscription Page

# End-of-Housekeeping

if (isset($_GET['memid'])){
$member_id = $_GET['memid']; # get landlord id from url
} else {
$member_id = $_SESSION['login_data']['id']; # get landlord id from login

if (isset($_GET['propid'])){ # this is for when coming from property details page with a selected property id in url
$property_id = $_GET['propid']; # get property id from url
$my_post_list['property-list-form-submitted'] = "1"; # fake "list" form submission to force appropriate form contents
$my_post_list['property-list'] = $property_id;
$property_selected = TRUE;

if ($_POST['property-list-form-submitted'] == "1") { # form submitted - property selected - copy $_POST to own array
$my_post_list = $_POST;
if ($my_post_list['property-list'] == 0){ # insert new data - redirect to property details page
$redirect_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . "/" . LANDLORD_PROPERTY_DETAILS_PAGE . "?memid=" . $_SESSION['login_data']['id'] . "&action=addprop";
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # send them to property details page
} else {
$property_id = $my_post_list['property-list'];
$property_selected = TRUE;

$property_list  = sql_get_results_array( "SELECT * FROM " . DBPREFIX . "tbl_property WHERE landlord_id = " . $member_id); # get list of all properties & details for this landlord in 2-dimensional associative array

if ($my_post_list['property-list-form-submitted'] == "1") { # form submitted - property selected - display all property details
$property_selected = TRUE;
$property_data  = sql_get_results_array( "SELECT * FROM " . DBPREFIX . "tbl_property WHERE landlord_id = " . $member_id . " AND property_id = " . $my_post_list['property-list']);


if ($_POST['remove-pic-form-submitted'] == "1"){ # delete saved image that was clicked upon

if (!db("DELETE FROM " . DBPREFIX . "tbl_property_picture WHERE property_id = " . $property_id . " AND landlord_id = '" . $member_id . "' AND picture_path = '" . $_POST['remove-this-path'] . "' AND picture_filename = '" . $_POST['remove-this-file'] . "'")){ # delete didn't work
$_SESSION['popup_msg_id'] = 14; # this is to popup error message if delete fails
} # /if

$propimage = $_POST['remove-this-path'] . $_POST['remove-this-file'];
// See if it exists before attempting deletion on it
if (file_exists($propimage)) {
unlink($propimage); // Delete now
// See if it exists again to be sure it was removed
if (file_exists($propimage)) {
echo "Problem deleting " . $propimage;

$propthumb = $_POST['remove-this-path'] . "thumb_" . $_POST['remove-this-file'];
// See if it exists before attempting deletion on it
if (file_exists($propthumb)) {
unlink($propthumb); // Delete now
// See if it exists again to be sure it was removed
if (file_exists($propthumb)) {
echo "Problem deleting " . $propthumb;
} # /if file delete form submitted

<!doctype html>
<title><?php echo $page_title ;?></title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<?php include("inc/pl_css.inc"); ?>
<link href="css/image-upload.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<?php include("inc/pl_js.inc"); ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var progressbox         = $('#progressbox'); //progress bar wrapper
var progressbar         = $('#progressbar'); //progress bar element
var statustxt           = $('#statustxt'); //status text element
var submitbutton        = $("#SubmitButton"); //submit button
var myform              = $("#UploadForm"); //upload form
var output              = $("#output"); //ajax result output element
var completed           = '0%'; //initial progressbar value
var FileInputsHolder    = $('#AddFileInputBox'); //Element where additional file inputs are appended
var MaxFileInputs       = 10; //Maximum number of file input boxes

// adding and removing file input box
var i = $("#AddFileInputBox div").size() + 1;
$("#AddMoreFileBox").click(function () {
event.returnValue = false;
if(i < MaxFileInputs)
$('<span><input type="file" id="fileInputBox" size="20" name="file[]" class="addedInput" value=""/><a href="#" class="removeclass small2"><img src="img/close_icon.gif" border="0" /></a></span>').appendTo(FileInputsHolder);
return false;

$("body").on("click",".removeclass", function(e){
event.returnValue = false;
if( i > 1 ) {


$("#ShowForm").click(function () {
$("#uploaderform").slideToggle(); //Slide Toggle upload form on click

beforeSend: function() { //brfore sending form
submitbutton.attr('disabled', ''); // disable upload button
progressbox.show(); //show progressbar
progressbar.width(completed); //initial value 0% of progressbar
statustxt.html(completed); //set status text
statustxt.css('color','#000'); //initial color of status text

uploadProgress: function(event, position, total, percentComplete) { //on progress
progressbar.width(percentComplete + '%') //update progressbar percent complete
statustxt.html(percentComplete + '%'); //update status text
statustxt.css('color','#fff'); //change status text to white after 50%

complete: function(response) { // on complete
output.html(response.responseText); //update element with received data
myform.resetForm();  // reset form
submitbutton.removeAttr('disabled'); //enable submit button
progressbox.hide(); // hide progressbar
$("#uploaderform").slideUp(); // hide form after upload


<!-- property-images-page -->
<div data-role="page" id="property-details-page" class="globalpage" data-theme="<?php echo $_SESSION['login_data']['data_theme'];?>">
<script type="text/javascript"> function loadPage(url){document.location.href = url;};</script>

<!-- this .inc file contains 5 panels: login/forgot/register/reset/profile - <div>s with data-role="panel" are inside this file -->
<?php include("inc/pl_user_options_panel.inc"); ?>
<!-- /user-options-panel -->

<div data-role="panel" id="menu-panel" data-position="left" data-display="overlay">
<?php include("inc/pl_menu_panel.inc"); ?>
</div><!-- /menu-panel -->

<!-- top header, non-scrolling, shows two action buttons on sides & user data in the middle -->
<div data-role="header" data-position="fixed">
<?php include("inc/pl_data_role_header.inc"); ?>
</div> <!-- /header -->

<div role="main" class="ui-content">
<!-- page load popup handler -->
<?php include("inc/pl_popup_handler.inc"); ?>
<!-- scrolling page header with PeterLandlord logo -->
<?php include("inc/pl_page_header.inc");?>

<div class="formbox">
<?php # property selection form ?>
<form name="property-list-form" class="form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?memid=<?php echo $member_id;?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="property-list-form-submitted" value="1"/>
<div id="property-list-div" class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="property-list" class="<?php echo $message['msg_class'];?>"><b></label>
if ($my_post_list['property-list-form-submitted'] != "1" || sizeof($property_data) == 0) { # form not submitted
<select name="property-list" id="property-list" data-native-menu="false" onChange="this.form.submit()">
<option value="choose-one" data-placeholder="true"><?php echo get_contents(600); ?></option>
<option value="0"><?php echo get_contents(601); ?></option>
} else { # form submitted
<select name="property-list" id="property-list" data-native-menu="false" onChange="this.form.submit()">
if ($my_post_list['property-list'] != "0") { # an existing property selected
<option value="<?php echo($my_post_list['property-list']);?>"><?php echo get_contents(602); ?>
$property_data[0]['address_line'].", ".
$property_data[0]['address_locality'].", ".
$property_data[0]['address_state'].", ".
$skip_this_property = $property_data[0]['property_id'];
} # /if an existing property selected
<option value="0"><?php echo get_contents(601); ?></option>
} # /else
if ($my_post_list['property-list-form-submitted'] == "1" && $my_post_list['property-list'] == "0") { # add new property selected
# do nothing
} else { # display remaining properties
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($property_list); $i++){
if ($property_list[$i]['property_id'] != $skip_this_property){ # Don't display selected property in the list - it is displayed above
<option value="<?php echo $property_list[$i]['property_id'];?>">
$property_list[$i]['address_line'].", ".
$property_list[$i]['address_locality'].", ".
$property_list[$i]['address_state'].", ".
} # /if add new property selected
} # /for
} # /if Don't display selected property
</div> <!-- /property-list-div -->
</form> <!-- /property-list-form -->
</div> <!-- formbox for property selection-->
if ($property_selected){ # only show stored images & image upload form if property is selected

$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DBPREFIX . "tbl_property_picture WHERE property_id = " . $property_id . " AND  landlord_id = " . $member_id;
if (!($property_pics = sql_get_results_array($sql))){
$no_images = TRUE;
} else {
$no_images = FALSE;
<div class="formbox">
<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
if ($no_images){
<td align="center"><img src="<?php echo PROPERTY_IMG_FOLDER ;?>noimages.png" alt="Thumbnail" width="100" height="100"></td>
} else {
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($property_pics); $i++){
list($ImageWidth,$ImageHeight)=getimagesize($property_pics[$i]['picture_path'] . $property_pics[$i]['picture_filename']);
<td align="center">
<a href="#popup<?php echo $i;?>" data-rel="popup" data-transition="pop" class="ui-btn-<?php echo $_SESSION['login_data']['data_theme'];?>"><img src="<?php echo $property_pics[$i]['picture_path'];?><?php echo $property_pics[$i]['picture_thumbname'];?>" alt="Thumbnail<?php echo $i;?>" height="100px" width="100px"></a>
<form name="delete-form-<?php echo $i;?>" id="delete-form-<?php echo $i;?>" class="form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?memid=<?php echo $member_id;?>&propid=<?php echo $property_id;?>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="remove-pic-form-submitted" value="1"/>
<input type="hidden" name="remove-this-path" value="<?php echo $property_pics[$i]['picture_path'];?>"/>
<input type="hidden" name="remove-this-file" value="<?php echo $property_pics[$i]['picture_filename'];?>"/>
<a href="#" onClick="document.getElementById('delete-form-<?php echo $i;?>').submit()" class="ui-corner-all ui-btn ui-shadow ui-icon-delete ui-btn-icon-right ui-btn-inline""></a>

<div data-role="popup" id="popup<?php echo $i;?>" class="ui-content" data-theme="<?php echo $_SESSION['login_data']['data_theme'];?>" style="max-width:1000px;">
<a href="#" data-theme="<?php echo $_SESSION['login_data']['data_theme'];?>" data-rel="back" class="ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-shadow ui-icon-delete ui-btn-icon-notext ui-btn-right">Close</a>
<p class="txtcopyright"><img src="<?php echo $property_pics[$i]['picture_path'];?><?php echo $property_pics[$i]['picture_filename'];?>" alt="Image<?php echo $i;?>" width="<?php echo $ImageWidth;?>" height="<?php echo $ImageHeight;?>"></p>
} # /for
} # /if no images
</div> <!-- formbox for image display-->

<div class="formbox">
<div id="uploaderform">
<form action="<?php echo LANDLORD_PROPERTY_IMAGES_PROCESS;?>?memid=<?php echo $member_id;?>&propid=<?php echo $property_id;?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="UploadForm" id="UploadForm">
<input type="hidden" name="max-to-upload" value="<?php echo 10 - sizeof($property_pics);?>"/>
<h1>Property image file upload</h1>
<p>Up to 10 images can by added with each image file size less than 1MB!</p>

<span class="small"><a href="#" id="AddMoreFileBox">Add More Images</a></span>
<div id="AddFileInputBox"><input id="fileInputBox" style="margin-bottom: 5px;" type="file"  name="file[]"/></div>
<div class="sep_s"></div>

<button type="submit" class="button" id="SubmitButton">Upload</button>

<div id="progressbox"><div id="progressbar"></div ><div id="statustxt">0%</div ></div>
<div id="uploadResults">
<div align="center" style="margin:20px;"><a href="#" id="ShowForm">Toggle Upload Form</a></div>
<div id="output"></div>
</div> <!-- formbox -->
} # /if property selected
<div class="formbox">
<table class="fixed">
<td><button onClick="loadPage('<?php echo LANDLORD_PROPERTY_DETAILS_PAGE;?>?memid=<?php echo $member_id;?>&propid=<?php echo $property_id;?>');" data-rel="external" data-theme="<?php echo $_SESSION['login_data']['data_theme'];?>" class="ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-icon-action"><?php echo get_contents(618)?></button></td>
<?php                       if ($property_selected){ # only show this button if property is selected ?>
<button type="reset" onClick="loadPage('<?php echo LANDLORD_PROPERTY_IMAGES_FORM;?>?memid=<?php echo $member_id;?>&propid=<?php echo $property_id;?>');" data-rel="external" data-theme="<?php echo $_SESSION['login_data']['data_theme'];?>" class="ui-btn ui-corner-all">Refresh View</button>
<?php                       }?>
<td><button onClick="loadPage('<?php echo LANDLORD_PROPERTY_FEATURES_PAGE;?>?memid=<?php echo $member_id;?>&propid=<?php echo $property_id;?>');" data-rel="external" data-theme="<?php echo $_SESSION['login_data']['data_theme'];?>" class="ui-btn ui-corner-all ui-icon-action"><?php echo get_contents(609)?></button></td>
</div> <!-- formbox2 -->
</div> <!-- /role-main -->

<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
<?php include("inc/pl_page_footer.inc"); ?>
</div> <!-- /footer -->
<!-- /property-images-page -->

Код обработки формы:

# pl_landlord_property_img_upl_proc.php

# Housekeeping
require_once ("lib/required.php");
$_SESSION['login_data'] = get_login_data();

# Login Protected Page - send them back home
if (!$_SESSION['login_data']['user_logged_in']){ # not logged in
$redirect_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . '/' . HOME_PAGE;
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # must be logged in - send them to homepage
} elseif ($_SESSION['login_data']['group_title'] != 'Landlord'){ # logged in but not a Landlord
$redirect_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . '/' . HOME_PAGE;
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # id mismatch - send them to homepage
} elseif (isset($_GET['memid']) && $_GET['memid'] != $_SESSION['login_data']['id']){ # logged in but memid in url is no match (typed in?)
$redirect_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . '/' . HOME_PAGE;
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # id mismatch - send them to homepage
} elseif (isset($_GET['propid'])){
if (!$foo = sql_get_results_array("SELECT * FROM " . DBPREFIX . "tbl_property WHERE property_id = " . $_GET['propid'] . " AND landlord_id = " . $_GET['memid'])){ # logged in but propid in url is no match (typed in?)
$redirect_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . '/' . HOME_PAGE;
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # id vs property mismatch - send them to homepage
} else {
# go through...
} else {
$redirect_url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . '/' . HOME_PAGE;
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # id mismatch - send them to homepage

# DO NOT include the code below on PayPalP Pay Subscription Page
# This code MUST BE INCLUDED on every Login Protected Page
# check subscription and send them to PayPal if not valid
if (!valid_subscription($_SESSION['login_data']['id'],$_SESSION['login_data']['membership_expiry'],$_SESSION['login_data']['grace_expiry'],$_SESSION['login_data']['subscription_fee'])){
$_SESSION['popup_msg_id'] = 37; # this is to popup a "final call" message
$redirect_url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . APPLICATION_FOLDER . "/" . PAYPAL_PAY_SUBSCRIPTION_PAGE . "?memid=" . $_SESSION['login_data']['id'];
header ( "Location: " . $redirect_url ); # send them to referring page where resulting messages will be displayed
# DO NOT include the code above on PayPalP Pay Subscription Page

# End-of-Housekeeping

$member_id = $_GET['memid'];
$property_id = $_GET['propid'];

// If you face any errors, increase values of "post_max_size", "upload_max_filesize" and "memory_limit" as required in php.ini

//Some Settings
$ThumbSquareSize        = 100; //Thumbnail will be 100x100
$BigImageMaxSize        = 1000; //Image Maximum height or width
$ThumbPrefix            = "thumb_"; //Normal thumb Prefix
$DestinationDirectory   = PROPERTY_IMG_FOLDER; //Upload Directory ends with / (slash)
$Quality                = 90;

//ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); // maximum memory!

foreach($_FILES as $file){
// some information about image we need later.
$ImageName      = $file['name'];
$ImageSize      = $file['size'];
$TempSrc        = $file['tmp_name'];
$ImageType      = $file['type'];if (is_array($ImageName)){
$c = count($ImageName);
echo '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">';
echo '<tr>';
if ($_POST['max-to-upload'] < 0){
$max_to_upload = 0;
} else {
$max_to_upload = $_POST['max-to-upload'];
for ($i=0; $i < $c; $i++){
if ($max_to_upload == 0){
echo '<div class="error">Only 10 files in total allowed!<br>Delete some to upload more.</div>';
$processImage = true;

if(!isset($ImageName[$i]) || !is_uploaded_file($TempSrc[$i])){
echo '<div class="error">Error occurred while trying to process <strong>'.$ImageName[$i].'</strong>, may be file too big!</div>'; //output error
} else {
//Validate file + create image from uploaded file.
case 'image/png':
$CreatedImage = imagecreatefrompng($TempSrc[$i]);
case 'image/gif':
$CreatedImage = imagecreatefromgif($TempSrc[$i]);
case 'image/jpeg':
case 'image/pjpeg':
$CreatedImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($TempSrc[$i]);
$processImage = false; //image format is not supported!
//get Image Size

//Get file extension from Image name, this will be re-added after random name
$ImageExt = substr($ImageName[$i], strrpos($ImageName[$i], '.'));
$ImageExt = str_replace('.','',$ImageExt);

//Construct a new image name (with time plus counter) for our new image.
$NewImageName = $member_id . $property_id . time()+$i . '.' . $ImageExt;

//Set the Destination Image path with Random Name
$thumb_DestRandImageName    = $DestinationDirectory.$ThumbPrefix.$NewImageName; //Thumb name
$DestRandImageName          = $DestinationDirectory.$NewImageName; //Name for Big Image

//Resize image to our Specified Size by calling resizeImage function.
if($processImage && resizeImage($CurWidth,$CurHeight,$BigImageMaxSize,$DestRandImageName,$CreatedImage,$Quality,$ImageType[$i])){
//Create a square Thumbnail right after, this time we are using cropImage() function
echo 'Error Creating thumbnail';
} # /if !cropImage
At this point we have succesfully resized and created thumbnail image
We can render image to user's browser and/or store information in the database

//Get New Image Size
echo '<td align="center"><a href="' . PROPERTY_IMG_FOLDER . $NewImageName . '" data-rel="popup" data-transition="pop" class="ui-btn-' . $_SESSION['login_data']['data_theme'] . '"><img src="' . PROPERTY_IMG_FOLDER . $ThumbPrefix.$NewImageName . '" alt="Thumbnail" height="100px" width="100px"></a></td>';
// Insert info into database table
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "tbl_property_picture (property_id,landlord_id,picture_path,picture_filename,picture_thumbname)
VALUES (" . $property_id . "," . $member_id . ",'" . PROPERTY_IMG_FOLDER . "','" . $NewImageName . "','" . $ThumbPrefix.$NewImageName . "')";
if (!db($sql)){
echo '<div class="error">Error inserting into database</div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="error">Error occurred while trying to process <strong>'.$ImageName[$i].'</strong>! Please check if file is supported</div>'; //output error
} # /if $processImage && resizeImage
} # /else (!isset($ImageName[$i]) || !is_uploaded_file($TempSrc[$i]))
} # /for
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
} # /is_array($ImageName
} # /foreach

// This function will proportionally resize image
function resizeImage($CurWidth,$CurHeight,$MaxSize,$DestFolder,$SrcImage,$Quality,$ImageType)
//Check Image size is not 0
if($CurWidth <= 0 || $CurHeight <= 0)
return false;

//Construct a proportional size of new image
$ImageScale         = min($MaxSize/$CurWidth, $MaxSize/$CurHeight);
$NewWidth           = ceil($ImageScale*$CurWidth);
$NewHeight          = ceil($ImageScale*$CurHeight);

if($CurWidth < $NewWidth || $CurHeight < $NewHeight)
$NewWidth = $CurWidth;
$NewHeight = $CurHeight;
$NewCanves  = imagecreatetruecolor($NewWidth, $NewHeight);
// Resize Image
if(imagecopyresampled($NewCanves, $SrcImage,0, 0, 0, 0, $NewWidth, $NewHeight, $CurWidth, $CurHeight))
case 'image/png':
case 'image/gif':
case 'image/jpeg':
case 'image/pjpeg':
return false;
if(is_resource($NewCanves)) {
return true;

//This function corps image to create exact square images, no matter what its original size!
function cropImage($CurWidth,$CurHeight,$iSize,$DestFolder,$SrcImage,$Quality,$ImageType)
//Check Image size is not 0
if($CurWidth <= 0 || $CurHeight <= 0){
return false;

//abeautifulsite.net has excellent article about "Cropping an Image to Make Square"//http://www.abeautifulsite.net/blog/2009/08/cropping-an-image-to-make-square-thumbnails-in-php/
$y_offset = 0;
$x_offset = ($CurWidth - $CurHeight) / 2;
$square_size    = $CurWidth - ($x_offset * 2);
} else {
$x_offset = 0;
$y_offset = ($CurHeight - $CurWidth) / 2;
$square_size = $CurHeight - ($y_offset * 2);
} # /else

$NewCanves  = imagecreatetruecolor($iSize, $iSize);
if(imagecopyresampled($NewCanves, $SrcImage,0, 0, $x_offset, $y_offset, $iSize, $iSize, $square_size, $square_size)){
case 'image/png':
case 'image/gif':
case 'image/jpeg':
case 'image/pjpeg':
return false;
} # /switch

if(is_resource($NewCanves)) {
} # /if is_resource
return true;

} # /if imagecopyresampled
} # /function


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