phpMyAdmin Фатальная ошибка JavaScript произошла

Я использую phpMyAdmin версии 4.4.4 на сервере CentOS Linux (2.6.32-504.12.2). Я продолжаю получать розовый баннер в нижней части окна PMA с указанием: Произошла фатальная ошибка JavaScript. Вы хотите отправить сообщение об ошибке? Если я нажму на Отправить отчет, ничего не произойдет. Если я отображаю детали отчета, это то, что я вижу:

"pma_version": "4.4.4",
"browser_name": "FIREFOX",
"browser_version": "37.0",
"user_os": "Mac",
"server_software": "Apache/2.4.12 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips",
"user_agent_string": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0",
"locale": "en",
"configuration_storage": "disabled",
"php_version": "5.6.7",
"exception_type": "js",
"exception": {
"mode": "stack",
"name": "TypeError",
"message": "field_id.match(...) is null",
"stack": [
"func": "getFieldValidators",
"args": "",
"line": 302,
"column": "16",
"context": [
" * @return array of [function, parameters to be passed to function]",
" */",
"function getFieldValidators(field_id, onKeyUpOnly)",
"    // look for field bound validator",
"    var name = field_id.match(/[^-]+$/)[0];",
"    if (typeof validators._field[name] != 'undefined') {",
"        return [[validators._field[name], null]];",
"    }",
"    // look for registered validators"],
"filename": "config.js"},
"func": "validate_field",
"args": "",
"line": 418,
"column": "21",
"context": [
"    var args, result;",
"    var $field = $(field);",
"    var field_id = $field.attr('id');",
"    errors[field_id] = [];",
"    var functions = getFieldValidators(field_id, isKeyUp);",
"    for (var i = 0; i < functions.length; i++) {",
"        if (typeof functions[i][1] !== 'undefined' && functions[i][1] !== n//...",
"            args = functions[i][1].slice(0);",
"        } else {",
"            args = [];"],
"filename": "config.js"},
"func": "?",
"args": "",
"line": 511,
"column": "13",
"context": [
"    var $check_page_refresh = $('#check_page_refresh');",
"    if ($check_page_refresh.length === 0 || $check_page_refresh.val() == '1') {",
"        // run all field validators",
"        var errors = {};",
"        for (var i = 0; i < $elements.length; i++) {",
"            validate_field($elements[i], false, errors);",
"        }",
"        // run all fieldset validators",
"        $('fieldset').each(function () {",
"            validate_fieldset(this, false, errors);",
"        });"],
"filename": "config.js"},
"func": "ErrorReport.wrap_function/new_func",
"args": "",
"line": 277,
"column": "28",
"context": [
"     */",
"    wrap_function: function (func) {",
"        if (!func.wrapped) {",
"            var new_func = function () {",
"                try {",
"                    return func.apply(this, arguments);",
"                } catch (x) {",
"          ;",
"                }",
"            };",
"            new_func.wrapped = true;"],
"filename": "error_report.js"},
"func": "m.event.dispatch",
"args": "",
"line": 3,
"column": "8384",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {",
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": "$event.dispatch",
"args": "",
"line": 374,
"column": "9",
"context": [
"$event.dispatch = function( event ){",
"\tif ( $.data( this, \"suppress.\"+ event.type ) - new Date().getTime() > 0 ){",
"\t\t$.removeData( this, \"suppress.\"+ event.type );",
"\treturn $dispatch.apply( this, arguments );",
"// event fix hooks for touch events...",
"var touchHooks = ",
"$event.fixHooks.touchstart = "],
"filename": "jquery/jquery.event.drag-2.2.js"},
"func": "m.event.add/r.handle",
"args": "",
"line": 3,
"column": "5122",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {",
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": "m.event.trigger",
"args": "",
"line": 3,
"column": "7535",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {",
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": ".trigger/<",
"args": "",
"line": 3,
"column": "15396",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {",
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": ".each",
"args": "",
"line": 2,
"column": "2971",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {"],
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": "m.prototype.each",
"args": "",
"line": 2,
"column": "833",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {"],
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": ".trigger",
"args": "",
"line": 3,
"column": "15375",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {",
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": "AJAX.fireOnload",
"args": "",
"line": 109,
"column": "9",
"context": [
"     *",
"     * @return void",
"     */",
"    fireOnload: function (file) {",
"        var eventName = 'onload_' + AJAX.hash(file);",
"        $(document).trigger(eventName);",
"        if (this._debug) {",
"            console.log(",
"                // no need to translate",
"                \"Fired event \" + eventName + \" for file \" + file",
"            );"],
"filename": "ajax.js"},
"func": "?",
"args": "",
"line": "4",
"column": "632",
"uri": "sql.php?target=",
"scriptname": "sql.php"},
"func": "m.Callbacks/j",
"args": "",
"line": 2,
"column": "27239",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {"],
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": "m.Callbacks/k.fireWith",
"args": "",
"line": 2,
"column": "28057",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {"],
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": ".ready",
"args": "",
"line": 2,
"column": "29889",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {"],
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"},
"func": "J",
"args": "",
"line": 2,
"column": "30255",
"context": [
"/*! jQuery v1.11.1 | (c) 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. |",
"!function(a,b){\"object\"==typeof module&&\"object\"==typeof module.exports?mod//...",
"if(k&&j[k]&&(e||j[k].data)||void 0!==d||\"string\"!=typeof b)return k||(k=i?a//...",
"},cur:function(){var a=Zb.propHooks[this.prop];return a&&a.get?a.get(this)://...",
"function sprintf() {"],
"filename": "jquery/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"}
"useragent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0",
"incomplete": "false",
"uri": "sql.php?target="},
"script_name": "sql.php",
"microhistory": {
"current_index": "0"}

Я попытался запустить phpMyAdmin в последних версиях Safari, Chrome и Firefox на Mac (OS X Yosemite) и получил ту же фатальную ошибку во всех трех браузерах. Кто-нибудь знает, как это исправить? Спасибо!



У меня также было сообщение об ошибке, подобное этому («Произошла неустранимая ошибка JavaScript. Вы хотите отправить отчет об ошибке?») В браузере Chrome. Я попробовал ‘localhost / phpmyadmin’ на вкладке инкогнито того же браузера, он работал хорошо. Это проблема с последним обновлением Google Chrome. Эта проблема возникает в других jQuery и других кодах.
Или просто отключите расширение PageXray в браузере Chrome и попробуйте один раз. Удачи!!!


Другие решения

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По вопросам рекламы [email protected]