Не удается создать ярлыки электронной почты & amp; фильтры через Google Apps для работы API

Мне нужно иметь возможность программно устанавливать фильтры электронной почты (что не поддерживает gmail API), так что …

Сегодня я подписался на 30-дневную пробную версию приложений Google для работы, прочитал документы здесь и я нашел это Код PHP (адаптировано для моих нужд, код работает на выделенном компьютере под управлением PHP версии 5.4.30 + CentOS 6.4):


$user_email  = '[email protected]';
$user_passwd = 'admin-password';
$email_label = 'my-label';

// ================================================================== //
function getEmailXML($is_label)
global $user_email, $email_label;

list($username, $domain) = split('@', $user_email);

$result = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>" . "\n";

if ($is_label)
$result .= "<atom:entry xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:apps='http://schemas.google.com/apps/2006'>";
$result .= "<apps:property name=\"label\" value=\"$email_label\" />";
$result .= "<atom:entry xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:apps='http://schemas.google.com/apps/2006'>";
$result .= "    <apps:property name='to' value='$username+$email_label@$domain' />";
$result .= "    <apps:property name='label' value='$email_label' />";
$result .= "    <apps:property name='neverSpam' value='true' />";

$result .= "</atom:entry>";

return $result;

// ================================================================== //
function getAuthToken($account)
// Getting the google authentication token

$tk_ch     = curl_init();

curl_setopt($tk_ch, CURLOPT_URL,            "https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin");
curl_setopt($tk_ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($tk_ch, CURLOPT_POST,           true);
curl_setopt($tk_ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($tk_ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,     $account);

curl_setopt($tk_ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE,        true);

$response  = curl_exec($tk_ch);


$str_split = split('=', $response);
$token     = $str_split[3];

return $token;

// ================================================================== //
function email_New_Filter_Or_Label($token, $action)
global $user_email;
list($username, $domain) = split('@', $user_email);

$ch       = curl_init();
$url_feed = "https://apps-apis.google.com/a/feeds/emailsettings/2.0/$domain/$username/$action";

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,            $url_feed);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,           true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR,    true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,     array(
'Authorization: GoogleLogin auth="' . trim($token) . '"',
'Content-type: application/atom+xml'
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE,        true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, getEmailXML(($action == 'label')));    // getEmailXML($is_label)
$result   = curl_exec($ch);

if ($result) {
return true;

return false;
// ================================================================== //

$my_acc     = array(
'accountType' => 'GOOGLE',
'Email'       => $user_email,
'Passwd'      => $user_passwd,
'service'     => 'apps',

$auth_token = getAuthToken($my_acc);
$test       = email_New_Filter_Or_Label($auth_token, "label");
// $test        = email_New_Filter_Or_Label($auth_token, "filter");


Вход в систему работает нормально, но создание ярлыка возвращает Ошибка 500. Бег php /my-script/path/public_html/my-script.php via putty дает мне такой вывод:

* About to connect() to www.google.com port 443 (#0)
*   Trying 2a00:1450:4001:805::1012... * connected
* Connected to www.google.com (2a00:1450:4001:805::1012) port 443 (#0)
* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
* warning: ignoring value of ssl.verifyhost
* skipping SSL peer certificate verification
* SSL connection using SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
* Server certificate:
*       subject: CN=www.google.com,O=Google Inc,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US
*       start date: Sep 10 13:49:36 2014 GMT
*       expire date: Dec 09 00:00:00 2014 GMT
*       common name: www.google.com
*       issuer: CN=Google Internet Authority G2,O=Google Inc,C=US
> POST /accounts/ClientLogin HTTP/1.1
Host: www.google.com
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 476
Expect: 100-continue
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------6f31c3e84eeb

* Done waiting for 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content-Type: text/plain
< X-Frame-Options: DENY
< Cache-control: no-cache, no-store
< Pragma: no-cache
< Expires: Mon, 01-Jan-1990 00:00:00 GMT
< Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 23:22:35 GMT
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
< Content-Length: 1139
< Server: GSE
< Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.002
* Connection #0 to host www.google.com left intact
* Closing connection #0
* About to connect() to apps-apis.google.com port 443 (#0)
*   Trying 2a00:1450:4010:c04::76... * connected
* Connected to apps-apis.google.com (2a00:1450:4010:c04::76) port 443 (#0)
* warning: ignoring value of ssl.verifyhost
* skipping SSL peer certificate verification
* SSL connection using SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
* Server certificate:
*       subject: CN=*.google.com,O=Google Inc,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US
*       start date: Sep 10 14:03:47 2014 GMT
*       expire date: Dec 09 00:00:00 2014 GMT
*       common name: *.google.com
*       issuer: CN=Google Internet Authority G2,O=Google Inc,C=US
> POST /a/feeds/emailsettings/2.0/my-domain.com/super-admin/label HTTP/1.1
Host: apps-apis.google.com
Accept: */*
Authorization: GoogleLogin auth="DQAAAA8BAABE0TPBcstbG31ry47v9WUzihACSe6j11mMXTMNMiiFN09vtCqbMFr0lv_Y2tPJtavYyJdcI0mGsJLJDuC1_q15q6FgdNbO-mAPfOEg4Q8ybk4V_8CUSQNBFSUByC_CAfbwR2gWMw10wqfo9S8afU0LOfX4PrOAWnpA8Dy-3ZMJi-EkipLZlsehZTuW0WS3zkml1uYHTczYRyyH28Ns27ql8OtCW8KOmxvdgpWGYGAR20Z1kbqj3TUBGwE2j4r37qc25_Lj9sjdczmMuBZT8Fr_8SQSzcQaB_U08_NJcueaY4eUoSJfouxh_OqOjE5OTgrqywIzXDEO5K3kNP3o7egmj4p_p2s3k6ZVl2eowhYVqg"Content-type: application/atom+xml
Content-Length: 201

* The requested URL returned error: 500 Internal Server Error
* Closing connection #0

Я потратил все усилия, чтобы сделать эту работу, я много гуглил (все напрасно), может кто-нибудь сказать мне, что не так с моим кодом?

Заранее спасибо!



Хорошо, я смог правильно (?) Создать метку и фильтр с помощью этого кода (давайте назовем его email-api.php):



require_once 'consts.php';

global $username, $google_app_domain, $user_email, $label_dir;
global $client_id, $client_secret, $redirect_uri, $developer_key, $app_name;

$action         = $_GET['action'];
if ( ($action !== NEW_LABEL) && ($action !== NEW_FILTER) && ($action !== NEW_LABEL_FILTER) ) { die('Error #1'); }

$email_label    = trim( $_GET['label'] );       // TODO: Sanitize passed data!session_start();

set_include_path(GOOGLE_API_PHP_CLIENT_SRC . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
require_once 'Google/Client.php';
require_once 'Google/Service/Gmail.php';/* =========================
Use OAuth2 to authenticate
======================== */

$client       = new Google_Client();
// $client->addScope("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.modify");

$service      = new Google_Service_Gmail($client);

if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) {

if (isset($_GET['code']))
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $client->getAccessToken();
$redirect = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));

if (isset($_SESSION['access_token']) && $_SESSION['access_token'])
if ($client->isAccessTokenExpired())
echo "Access Token expired :(<br />\n";
$authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl();
header('Location: ' . filter_var($authUrl, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL));

if (!$client->getAccessToken()) { die("Invalid Access Token :(\n<br />"); }/* =========================================================
We're signed in so let's proceed with the specified action
========================================================= */

$authObj   = json_decode( $client->getAccessToken() );

switch ($action)
DoURL( $google_app_domain, $username, NEW_LABEL,  GetData(NEW_LABEL) );

DoURL( $google_app_domain, $username, NEW_FILTER, GetData(NEW_FILTER) );

DoURL( $google_app_domain, $username, NEW_LABEL,  GetData(NEW_LABEL) );
DoURL( $google_app_domain, $username, NEW_FILTER, GetData(NEW_FILTER) );


// ============================================================== //
function GetData($action)
global $username, $email_label, $label_dir, $google_app_domain;

if ($action == NEW_LABEL)
$data  = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<atom:entry xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:apps="http://schemas.google.com/apps/2006">
<apps:property name="label" value="' . $email_label . '" />
else if ($action == NEW_FILTER)
$data  = "<atom:entry xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:apps='http://schemas.google.com/apps/2006'>";
$data .= "    <apps:property name='to' value='$username+$email_label@$google_app_domain' />";
$data .= "    <apps:property name='label' value='$label_dir/$email_label' />";
$data .= "    <apps:property name='neverSpam' value='true' />";
$data .= "</atom:entry>";

return $data;

// ============================================================== //
function DoURL($google_app_domain, $username, $action, $data)
global $authObj;

$headers = array(
"Content-type: application/atom+xml",
"Content-length: " . strlen($data),
"Authorization: "  . $authObj->token_type . " " . $authObj->access_token,
"X-HTTP-Method-Override: POST");

$ch      = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,            "https://apps-apis.google.com/a/feeds/emailsettings/2.0/$google_app_domain/$username/$action");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,     $headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,     $data);

print_r($response = curl_exec($ch));
// ============================================================== //

Этот файл нуждается в другом файле (consts.php), который выглядит так:

// =====================
// Constants
// =====================

define('GOOGLE_API_PHP_CLIENT_SRC', '/full/path/to/google-api-php-client/src/');

define('NEW_LABEL',        'label');
define('NEW_FILTER',       'filter');
define('NEW_LABEL_FILTER', 'both');

$username          = 'john.doe';
$google_app_domain = "super-domain.com";
$user_email        = "$username@$google_app_domain";

$client_id         = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.apps.googleusercontent.com';
$client_secret     = 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY';

// $redirect_uri should point to the main PHP file. Register a projet in https://console.developers.google.com/ and make sure redirect url points to this file, too
$redirect_uri      = "http://www.$google_app_domain/email-api.php";
$app_name          = 'Application name, as defined in https://console.developers.google.com/';

$label_dir         = 'Work';        // Optional, purely to organize mailbox, ie.        "Work/Boss" or "Work/HR", etc...

Я в основном переключился на OAuth2, переработал код, произвел много очистки и … кажется, что он работает просто отлично!


Другие решения

Настоятельно рекомендуем использовать GMail API, который также поддерживает добавление меток.



По вопросам рекламы [email protected]