Приведенный ниже запрос к базе данных php (из phpMyAdmin) возвращает только одно значение (первое или самое старое) в amcharts:
class custom_class2
var $charts; // reference to the calling object.
function customfunction2($content,$conf)
global $TSFE;
// do whatever you want here
// db connection
mysql_connect("hostname", "username", "password");
mysql_select_db("database name");
//db abfrage
$query = "SELECT
YEAR(datetime) AS dy,
MONTH(datetime) -1 AS dm,
DAY(datetime) AS dd,
HOUR(datetime) AS th,
MINUTE(datetime) AS tm,
FROM stock1
ORDER BY datetime
// NEW: Variable definition
$zeilenzaehler = 1;
// output of the rows
$result = mysql_query($query) OR die("Error: $query <br>" . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
// return
if ($zeilenzaehler != 1)
$content.= ",";
$content.= "{date: new Date(" . $row['dy'] . "," . $row['dm'] . "," . $row['dd'] . "," . $row['th'] . "," . $row ['tm'] . "),t:" . $row['temp'] . ",h:" . $row['hum'] . ",p:" . $row['pressure'] . "}";
return $content;
// Variable now on 2
$zeilenzaehler = 2;
Все остальное выглядит как работает нормально. Большое спасибо за помощь
Вы возвращаете первый найденный результат в цикле while. Вот почему у вас есть только один результат. Кроме того, функции mysql_ * устарели, рассмотрите возможность перехода к
mysqli_ * или же PDO.
Я добавляю код из вашего запроса:
class custom_class2
var $charts; // reference to the calling object.
function customfunction2($content,$conf)
global $TSFE;
// do whatever you want here
// db connection
$mysqli = new mysqli("hostname", "username", "password", "database name");
if ($mysqli->connect_error) {
// your error handling here
//db abfrage
$query = "SELECT
YEAR(datetime) AS dy,
MONTH(datetime) -1 AS dm,
DAY(datetime) AS dd,
HOUR(datetime) AS th,
MINUTE(datetime) AS tm,
FROM stock1
ORDER BY datetime
// NEW: Variable definition
$zeilenzaehler = 1;
// output of the rows
$result = $mysqli->query($query);
if (FALSE === $result) {
// you can put different error handling here
echo 'Error: ' . $query . ' ' . $mysql->error);
$total = array();
while (NULL !== ($row = $result->fetch_array()))
// return
if ($zeilenzaehler != 1)
$content.= ",";
$content.= "{date: new Date(" . $row['dy'] . "," . $row['dm'] . "," . $row['dd'] . "," . $row['th'] . "," . $row ['tm'] . "),t:" . $row['temp'] . ",h:" . $row['hum'] . ",p:" . $row['pressure'] . "}";
// return $content;
// if you not return the first result you can gather results in array, so array will contain every row in result, $total[0], $total[1]...:
// $total[] = $content; or:
$total[] = "{date: new Date(" . $row['dy'] . "," . $row['dm'] . "," . $row['dd'] . "," . $row['th'] . "," . $row ['tm'] . "),t:" . $row['temp'] . ",h:" . $row['hum'] . ",p:" . $row['pressure'] . "}";
// Variable now on 2
$zeilenzaehler = 2;
return $total; // return all rows
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