Используйте функцию черты с тем же именем, но по желанию

Класс PHP, использующий то же имя, что и функция черты

Обратитесь к вопросу, который я только что задал здесь. Здесь был мой оригинальный код.

trait sampletrait{
function hello(){
echo "hello from trait";

class client{
use sampletrait;

function hello(){
echo "hello from class";
//From within here, how do I call traits hello() function also?

Я могу вызвать функцию черты, как это благодаря ответу на вопрос.

class client{
use sampletrait {
hello as protected sampletrait_hello;

function hello(){
echo "hello from class";

У меня вопрос, если у моего клиента класса не было функции hello (), но он хотел ее вызвать, возможно ли это?

Так например …

trait sampletrait{
function hello(){
echo "hello from trait";

class client{
use sampletrait {
hello as protected sampletrait_hello;

Я знаю, что я могу просто сказать, использовать sampletrait; и он будет иметь функцию, но в моем случае я тоже не могу этого сделать. Возможно ли иметь псевдоним, но все же использовать имя черты по умолчанию, если оно не существует в классе?

Дополнительная информация

Мой точный пример использования включает в себя PHP-ActiveRecord

У меня есть черта под названием uniquecheck

trait uniquecheck {

//@JA - Used temporarely to determine if editing for the unique checker
static $isEditing = false;

//@JA - This is used by PHPActiveRecord to trigger events before validation on update calls only.
static $before_validation_on_update = array('before_validation_on_update_callback');

//@JA - This is function used as callback from PHPActiveRecord
public function before_validation_on_update_callback(){
self::$isEditing = true; //@JA - Requires Uniquecheck trait to work

//@JA - This function can do single and multi-unique checks.
//@JA - This is programmed to be replaced at a later date when validates_uniqueness_of is fixed (http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Validations#validates_uniqueness_of)
//SINGLE    -- array('name','message' => 'Can't do this')
//MULTIPLE  -- array( array('name1','name2'), 'message' => 'can't do this and that together')
//@JA - To be clear multiple does not mean 2 different uniques but a unique on 2 columns.  Just use this function twice for 2 separate unique checks.
public function uniquecheck($rules = array()) {

$classname = get_class($this);

//@JA - Basic validation to confirm assumptions for function properties
die('uniquecheck.php -> Property array can not be empty');

//@JA - If its an array use the MULTIPLE method
//@JA - First create the condition string
$conditionstring = '';
$conditionarray = array();

$uniques = $rules[0];
foreach($uniques as $unique){
$conditionstring .= "$unique = ? AND ";
$conditionstring = substr($conditionstring, 0, -5);

//@JA - Then generate the array we will use for the conditions
$conditionarray['conditions'][] = $conditionstring;
foreach($uniques as $unique){
$conditionarray['conditions'][] = $this->read_attribute($unique);

$results = $classname::find('all',$conditionarray);

if($classname::$isEditing == true){
die('was editing');
die('was creating');

//@JA - If in edit mode, if the values are exactly the same as it was before then ignore this check.
if (count($results)>=1) {
foreach($uniques as $unique){
$this->errors->add($unique, $rules['message']);

}else{ //@JA - Otherwise use the SINGLE method
$unique = $rules[0];
$results = $classname::find('all',array('conditions' => array("$unique = ?", $this->read_attribute($unique))));

//@JA - If there is more then 1 result then its not unique!
if (count($results)>=1) {
$this->errors->add($unique, $rules['message']);


Я использую это в моей модели клиента, как так …

class Client extends ActiveRecord\Model {

use foreignkeycheck;

use uniquecheck {
before_validation_on_update_callback as protected uniquecheck_before_validation_on_update_callback;

static $before_destroy = array('before_destroy_callback');

//@gv hide columns that are not in use right now
static $columnsToHide = array(
static $easy_name = "Client";
static $validates_presence_of = array(
static $validates_size_of = array(
array('contactfirstname', 'within' => array(1, 50)),
array('contactlastname', 'within' => array(1, 50)),
array('contactaddress', 'within' => array(1, 120), 'allow_null' => false),
array('companyaddress', 'within' => array(1, 120), 'allow_null' => true),
array('companyname', 'within' => array(1, 75), 'allow_null' => true),
//    static $validates_uniqueness_of = array(
//        array('affiliate_code', 'allow_null' => true),
//        array(array('contactfirstname', 'contactlastname', 'contactemail', 'contactphonenumber', 'contactaddress'),
//            'message' => 'Can\'t have duplicate client.')
//    );

static $validates_format_of = array(
array('contactemail', 'with' => '/\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,10}\b/sim',
'message' => 'Must be a correctly formatted email.', 'allow_blank' => true, 'allow_null' => true),
array('companyemail', 'with' => '/\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,10}\b/sim',
'message' => 'Must be a correctly formatted email.', 'allow_blank' => true, 'allow_null' => true),
array('companyphonenumber', 'with' => '/^(\d[\s-]?)?[\(\[\s-]{0,2}?\d{3}[\)\]\s-]{0,2}?\d{3}[\s-]?\d{4}$/i',
'message' => 'Phone number is invalid', 'allow_blank' => true, 'allow_null' => true),
array('contactphonenumber', 'with' => '/^(\d[\s-]?)?[\(\[\s-]{0,2}?\d{3}[\)\]\s-]{0,2}?\d{3}[\s-]?\d{4}$/i',
'message' => 'Phone number is invalid', 'allow_blank' => true, 'allow_null' => false)

//This allows you to use your own as well as still call the uniquechecks before_validation callback in case this method is not needed.
public function before_validation_on_update_callback(){

public function before_destroy_callback(){

$conn = SELF::connection();

try {
//USER *********
//Delete the associated user as well.
$related_users = User::find('all',array(
'conditions' => array(
'client_id' => $this->id)

foreach($related_users as $user){

//PROPERTIES ********
//Delete all properties of the client, which in turn delets all routes & visits
$related_properties = Property::find('all',array(
'conditions' => array(
'client_id' => $this->id)

foreach($related_properties as $property){

//Only have to delete the user, because deletes will cascade down
} catch (Exception $e) {

return true; //will actually delete the client now.

public function validate() {
//Thought about putting user validation in here, but decided against it.
//Multi-unique check FAILS to work if the parameter is not passsed for one of the multi-uniques.  This is BUG in PHP Active Record.
//Does not show message correctly for multi-uniques either.  This is ALSO a bug in PHP Active Record.

//@JA - Uses multi-unique check.  Its only not allowed if all 4 of these values are the same since its obviously duplicate at that point
$this->uniquecheck(array(array('company_id','contactfirstname', 'contactlastname', 'contactphonenumber', 'contactaddress'),'message' => 'Can\'t have duplicate client.'));

$this->foreignkeycheck('Affiliate', 'affiliate_code', true); //Special case where foreign key is not _id, true sent to indicate validate is optional only if a value is not null.

public function getReadableColumnNames($flip = false) {
$readableColumns = array();

$readableColumns["contactfirstname"] = "First Name";
$readableColumns["contactlastname"] = "Last Name";
$readableColumns["contactphonenumber"] = "Phone Number";
$readableColumns["contactemail"] = "Email";
$readableColumns["contactaddress"] = "Address";
$readableColumns["companyaddress"] = "Company Address";
$readableColumns["companyemail"] = "Company Email";
$readableColumns["companyname"] = "Company Name";
$readableColumns["companyphonenumber"] = "Company Phone #";
$readableColumns["affiliate_code"] = "Affiliate #";
$readableColumns["clienttype_id"] = "Client Type";
$readableColumns["company_id"] = "Company";
$readableColumns["stripe_customer_id"] = "Stripe Customer ID";
$readableColumns["stripe_customer_info"] = "Stripe Customer Info";
$readableColumns["stripe_customer_info_last_update"] = "Stripe Info Last Update";
$readableColumns["welcome_email_sent"] = "Welcome Email Sent?";
$readableColumns["autopay"] = "Auto Pay?";
$readableColumns["active"] = "Active?";

if ($flip == true) {
$readableColumns = array_flip($readableColumns); //swap keys and values~
return $readableColumns;

public function getDefaultColumns() {
$defaultColumns = array();

$defaultColumns[] = "contactfirstname"; //first sort order
$defaultColumns[] = "contactlastname"; //second sort order
$defaultColumns[] = "contactphonenumber";
$defaultColumns[] = "contactemail"; //etc...

return $defaultColumns;

public function getColumnExceptions() {
$tableNames = array();

return $tableNames;

public function getBatchActions() {
$batchActions = array();

//$batchActions['Text to Appear'] = 'ClassName'
//For JS File To Call Correct Function ^^^^
//Order of array determines order in respective dropdown menu.

$batchActions["Make Inactive"] = "batch_make_inactive";
$batchActions["Send Email"] = "batch_send_email";
$batchActions["Send Welcome Email"] = "batch_send_client_welcomeEmail";

return $batchActions;

public function getRowActions() {
$rowActions = array();

$rowActions["Edit"] = array("edit_typename", true); //Call generic typename edit function, true means this is the item that shows first.
$rowActions["View Pictures"] = array("view_pictures_for_client", false); //shortcut to prefill information for property~
$rowActions["Add Property"] = array("add_property_for_client", false); //shortcut to prefill information for property~
//$rowActions["Update Quickbooks"] = array("qb_update_customer", false); //shortcut to add customer to quickbooks if connected.
$rowActions["Create User ID"] = array("create_userid_for_client", false); //shortcut method to create user_id straight from the client~
$rowActions["Send Welcome Email"] = array("send_client_welcome_email", false);
$rowActions["Make Inactive"] = array("allinactive_client", false); //will make the user inactive, property and user_id, along with recurring invoices, estimates, invoices that were referenced by client.
$rowActions["Make Active"] = array("allactive_client", false);
$rowActions["Delete"] = array("delete_typename", false);   //call to generic typename delete function
//@gv Functions that do not work and not part of Release 1.0
//$rowActions["Add Estimate"]         = array("add_estimate_for_client",false); //shortcut to prefill information for property~
//$rowActions["Add Invoice"]          = array("add_invoice_for_client",false); //shortcut to prefill information for property~
//$rowActions["Add To Quickbooks"]    = array("qb_add_customer",false); //shortcut to add customer to quickbooks if connected.
//$rowActions["Make Inactive"]        = array("inactive_typename",false);   //Way to filter results if you desired by clients that are not relevant anymore.
//$rowActions["Send Email"]           = array("send_client_email",false);
//$rowActions["Send Text"]            = array("text_client",false);

return $rowActions;

public function getColumnInterestedColumns() {
$columnInterestedColumns = array();

$columnInterestedColumns["clienttype_id"] = array("name");
$columnInterestedColumns["company_id"] = array("companyname");
$columnInterestedColumns["client_id"] = array("contactfirstname", "contactlastname"); //external reference.

return $columnInterestedColumns;

//This function indicates to the UI what fields are dependent upon others for purpose of 'flow' for new and edit areas.
//Happens in 2 areas, on initial PHP creation uses this to hide the field, and upon the restricted fields parent values taking on a value or losing a value.
public function getColumnRestrictions() {
global $user;
$restrictedColumns = array();

//$restrictedColumns["property_id"] =   array("client_id");//this means that property_id can not show in UI until client_id is set.

return $restrictedColumns;


Я пытаюсь использовать это, чтобы обойти уникальную контрольную ошибку phpactiverecords, так как она не работает в этой системе для проекта, над которым я работаю.

Он использует обратный вызов, как этот (before_validation_on_update_callback), где он должен иметь это имя.

Я хотел использовать эту черту, чтобы легко включить ее во все мои модели.

Обратитесь к этому (http://www.phpactiverecord.org/projects/main/wiki/Callbacks)



Попробуйте установить public для функции trait, а затем защитите при переименовании.

trait sampletrait{
public function hello(){
echo "hello from trait";

class client{
use sampletrait {
hello as protected sampletrait_hello;

$c = new client();

Как сказано здесь Класс PHP, использующий то же имя, что и функция черты и hello, и sampletrait_hello будут существовать, но поскольку hello общедоступен, а sampletrait_hello защищен, только hello будет вызываться из внешней области видимости.

И если вы перезапишете привет, вы сможете вызывать sampletrait_hello внутри него.


Другие решения

Других решений пока нет …

По вопросам рекламы [email protected]