addfixedpriceitem с продавцомProfiles — PaymentProfileID, ReturnProfileID, ShippingProfileID

Я настроил и получил весь идентификатор профиля из моей песочницы eBay, но когда я пытаюсь сделать verifyAddFixedPriceItem, используя PaymentProfileID, ReturnProfileID, ShippingProfileID, он показывает ошибку —

Error: Return policy is not specified. A return option is missing or not valid. Update your return options.
Error: Return policy is not specified. A return option is missing or not valid. Update your return options.
Error: Return policy is not specified. A return option is missing or not valid. Update your return options.
Error: Approved electronic payment method is missing To list this item, you need to accept PayPal or other approved electronic payments as a payment method.
Error: A shipping service is not specified. At least one valid shipping service must be specified.

У меня есть поиск в Google, поэтому я нашел код, который —

$item->SellerProfiles = new Types\SellerProfilesType();

$businessProfiles = new Types\SellerPaymentProfileType();
$businessProfiles->PaymentProfileID = $businessPolicy['paymentProfiles']['profileId']; //passed back from busines polices api
$businessProfiles->PaymentProfileName = $businessPolicy['paymentProfiles']['profileName'];
$item->SellerProfiles->SellerPaymentProfile = $businessProfiles;

$businessProfiles = new Types\SellerReturnProfileType();
$businessProfiles->ReturnProfileID = $businessPolicy['returnProfiles']['profileId'];
$businessProfiles->ReturnProfileName  = $businessPolicy['returnProfiles']['profileName'];
$item->SellerProfiles->SellerReturnProfile = $businessProfiles;

$businessProfiles = new Types\SellerShippingProfileType();
$businessProfiles->ShippingProfileID = $businessPolicy['shippingProfiles']['profileId'];
$businessProfiles->ShippingProfileName = $businessPolicy['shippingProfiles']['profileName'];
$item->SellerProfiles->SellerShippingProfile = $businessProfiles;

Но все равно получаю ту же ошибку.

Можете ли вы проверить и сообщить нам, что я делаю не так?



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