утверждение if — я пытаюсь проверить приемлемый рост и вес и получить вывод компилятора c ++, почему кандидат отклонен

Если только вес неправильный, следующий код C ++ не выводит сообщение об отклонении. Что не так с моими вложенными проверками if-then-else?

char gender;      //INPUT  Gender of candidate
char genderOk;   //INPUT  Checks validity of input for each value
int  height;      //INPUT  Height of candidate
int  heightOk;    //INPUT  Range of valid heights for candidates
int  weight;      //INPUT  Weight of candidate
int  weightOk;    //INPUT  Range of valid weights for candidates

// INPUT - describe input here

cout << left;
cout << "Please enter candidate's information (enter 'X' to ""exit).\n";

do {
cout << "Gender: ";
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
genderOk = gender != 'm' && gender != 'M' && gender != 'f' && gender != 'F';
if(genderOk) {
cout << "***** Invalid gender; please enter M or F *****";
cout << endl;
} while(genderOk);

do {
cout << "Height: ";
cin  >> (height);
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
heightOk = height >=24 && height <= 110;
if (!heightOk) {
cout << "***** Invalid height; please enter a height in ""inches between 24 and 110. *****";
cout << endl;
} while(!heightOk);

do {
cout << "Weight: ";
cin  >> weight;
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
weightOk = weight >= 50 && weight <= 1400;
if(!weightOk) {
cout << "***** Invalid weight; please enter a weight in ""lbs between 50 and 1400. *****";
cout << endl;
} while(!weightOk);

if (gender == 'm' || gender == 'M') {
heightOk = height >= 65  && height <= 80;
weightOk = weight >= 130 && weight <= 250;

if (heightOk && weightOk) {
cout << RESULT << "ACCEPTED!";
else {
if (!heightOk) {
if (!weightOk) {
cout << RESULT << "rejected based on the ""HEIGHT and WEIGHT ""requirements.";
else {
if(!weightOk) {
cout << RESULT << "rejected based on the"" WEIGHT requirement.";
else {
cout << RESULT << "rejected based on the ""HEIGHT requirement.";

if (gender == 'f' || gender == 'F') {
heightOk = height >= 62  && height <=75;
weightOk = weight >= 110 && weight <= 185;

if (heightOk && weightOk) {
cout << RESULT << "ACCEPTED!";
else {
if (!heightOk) {
if (!weightOk) {
cout << RESULT << "rejected based on the ""HEIGHT and WEIGHT ""requirements.";
else {
if (!weightOk) {
cout << RESULT << "rejected based on the"" WEIGHT requirement.";
else {
cout << RESULT << "rejected based on the ""HEIGHT requirement.";



Если weightOk не ложно, тогда это правда:

  if(!weightOk) {
// weightOk=0
} else {
// weightOk=1 then
if(!weightOk) {
// never reaches here if weightOk=0

Другие решения

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