структуры данных — реализация CircularQueue с использованием связанного списка в переполнении стека

В настоящее время я делаю проект, который потребует от меня реализации структуры данных CircularQueue в C ++. Вот что у меня так далеко:

template<typename Type> class CircularQueue {

template<typename Type> struct CQNode {
Type head;
CQNode* tail;

CQNode() {
this->head = NULL;
this->tail = NULL;

CQNode(Type head, CQNode* tail = NULL) {
this->head = head;
this->tail = tail;


CQNode<Type>* front;
CQNode<Type>* rear;
CQNode<Type>** circularQueue = NULL;
int MAX = 0;
int currentSize = 0;protected:


/********************** CONSTRUCTORS **********************/

* @brief
* @param capacity integer size capacity of CircularQueue object to be instantiated
CircularQueue(int capacity) {

// Set the maximum queue capacity to the size passed to constructor
this->MAX = capacity;

// Locally set the limit (to be used as array of CQNode size) to MAX
const int limit = this->MAX;

// Create a pointer array of CQNode with size limit and assign to this->circularQueue
this->circularQueue = new CQNode<Type>*[limit];

// Loop over queue capacity, implementing CircularQueue type structure
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {

// set i'th element of circularQueue array to a new CQNode struct
this->circularQueue[i] = new CQNode<Type>();

// if the value of i is greater than 0, assign the tail of the (i-1)'th element
// of circularQueue to i'th element of circularQueue, thereby implementing the Queue
// FIFO type data structure
if (i > 0) {
this->circularQueue[i - 1] = this->circularQueue[i];

// otherwise, if i is equal to the capacity - 1 (i.e. the last elementt of circularQueue array),
// then set the tail of the last element of circularQueue to the first element of circularQueue,
// thereby implementing the circular nature of this queue data structure
else if (i == (limit - 1)) {
this->circularQueue[i - 1]->tail = this->circularQueue[0];


this->front = NULL;
this->rear = NULL;

/********************** DESTRUCTORS ***********************/

* @brief
~CircularQueue() {
//TODO: Destroy Queue

/*********************** GETTERS ************************/

CQNode<Type>* peekFront() {
return this->front;

CQNode<Type>* peekRear() {
return this->rear;

Type peekHeadOfFront() {

if (this->front != NULL)
return this->front->head;


int getCurrentSize() {
return this->currentSize;

bool isEmpty() {
return this->rear == NULL;

/****************** TOSTRING ******************/

* @brief
* @return string representation of this CircularQueue object
string toString() {

string temp = "[";

CQNode<Type>* tempNode = this->front;

int i = 0;

while (tempNode != NULL && i < this->currentSize) {
//cout << temp << endl;
if (tempNode->tail != NULL) {
temp += std::to_string(tempNode->head) + ", ";
else {
temp += std::to_string(tempNode->head);
tempNode = tempNode->tail;

temp += "]";

return temp;


/******************* QUEUE OPERATIONS *******************/

* @brief
* @param item Object to enqueue to this instance of CircularQueue
* @return The item of data structure "Type" enqueued upon this CircularQueue instance
Type enqueue(Type item) {

// if the currentSize is greater than the maximum allowed capacity,
// throw a CircularQueueException
if (this->currentSize == this->MAX) {
throw CircularQueueException("Circular queue is full, cannot enqueue any more objects!");

// if the front of this CQ object is null, assign first element of circularQueue array to
// front of queue and set the rear to the front (single-element queue)
if (this->front == NULL) {
//this->front = new CQNode<Type>(item);
this->front = this->circularQueue[0];
this->rear = this->front;

// else if the front is not-null, assign the tail of the rear of this CQ object
// to a new CQNode with head = item, and shift the new rear to tail of old rear
else {
this->rear->tail = new CQNode<Type>(item);

this->rear = this->rear->tail;

if (this->currentSize == (this->MAX - 1))
this->rear->tail = this->front;



return item;


* @brief
* @return The item of data structure "Type" dequeued from this CircularQueue instance
Type dequeue() {

// Create a pointer to a CQNode initialised as NULL
// this variavle will store the dequeued node
CQNode<Type>* dequeuedNode = NULL;

// if rear is empty, throw a CircularQueueException
if (this->rear == NULL) {
throw CircularQueueException("Circular queue is already empty, cannot dequeue any objects!");

else {

// decrement currentSize of this CircularQueue instance by 1

// assign front of this CircularQueue to dequeuedNode
dequeuedNode = this->front;

// set the new front of the queue to the tail of the current front
this->front = this->front->tail;


return dequeuedNode->head;

Это хорошая реализация для такой структуры до сих пор? Пожалуйста, укажите любые плохие методы кодирования или потенциальные проблемы, которые вы можете увидеть с этим кодом.

Обратите внимание, что моя функция toString () предназначена для печати только одного «круга» очереди, если есть лучший способ сделать toString () для CircularQueue, тогда, пожалуйста, упомяните это.



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