Реализация N-мерной матрицы в переполнении стека

Я хочу реализовать свой собственный класс N-мерной матрицы в C ++. Я, однако, застрял в том, как бы я мог реализовать его, особенно когда речь идет о реализации операторов для доступа к элементу в этой матрице.

Какие-либо предложения?



Я реализовал очень простую версию, которая уже несколько месяцев тестируется, так что я думаю, что она достаточно надежна: https://github.com/Sheljohn/ndArray

Это полностью стандарт на C ++ 11 (использовать -std=c++0x при компиляции с g ++); нет внешней зависимости, и должен быть независимым от платформы (не тестировался). Тем не менее, он предлагает совместимость с Matlab, но вы можете легко удалить части, которые относятся к mxArrays. Дайте мне знать, если вы решили использовать его и хотите расширить его; текущая версия предназначена для того, чтобы предложить минимум, но я рад помочь с любым расширением / ошибкой.

Там вы идете, это должно скомпилироваться просто отлично. Документация есть в комментариях или на Github.


#ifndef __ND_ARRAY__
#define __ND_ARRAY__

// @file         ndArray.h
// @author       Jonathan Hadida
// @contact      cf https://github.com/Sheljohn/MexArray

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>

#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>

#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>
#include <initializer_list>

// Protect 1D access (comment for faster access)
#define ND_ARRAY_PROTECT(k,n) (k % n)
#define ND_ARRAY_PROTECT(k,n) k
#endif/********************     **********     ********************/
/********************     **********     ********************//**
* Convert nd coordinates to 1d index.
* Two main variants are provided:
* - Taking an ARRAY as coordinates (size input by template)
* - Taking a VA_LIST as a list of coordinate inputs (cf operator() below).
template <unsigned N>
unsigned sub2ind( const unsigned *subs, const unsigned *size, const unsigned *strides )
register unsigned ind = 0;

for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)
ind += ND_ARRAY_PROTECT(subs[i],size[i]) * strides[i];

return ind;

template <unsigned N>
unsigned sub2ind( va_list& vl, const unsigned *size, const unsigned *strides )
register unsigned ind = 0;

for (unsigned i = 1; i < N; ++i)
ind += ND_ARRAY_PROTECT(va_arg(vl,unsigned),size[i]) * strides[i];

va_end(vl); return ind;

template <> inline unsigned
sub2ind<0>( const unsigned*, const unsigned*, const unsigned* )
{ return 0; }
template <> inline unsigned
sub2ind<1>( const unsigned *subs, const unsigned*, const unsigned* )
{ return *subs; }
template <> inline unsigned
sub2ind<2>( const unsigned *subs, const unsigned *size, const unsigned* )
{ return (subs[0] + subs[1]*size[0]); }

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Simple singleton.
template <typename T> struct singleton { static T instance; };
template <typename T> T singleton<T>::instance = T();

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Dummy deleter functor.
* This litterally does nothing to the input pointer; it can be used
* safely with shared pointers for either statically allocated memory
* (eg fixed-size arrays) or externally managed memory (eg Matlab in/out).
template <typename T>
struct no_delete
{ inline void operator() ( T* ptr ) const {} };/********************     **********     ********************/
/********************     **********     ********************//**
* n-dimensional array.
* NOTE: T can be CONST (underlying elements non-assignable),
* or NON-CONST (underlying elements assignable, suitable for
* owned memory allocation for instance).
template <typename T, unsigned N>
class ndArray

typedef T value_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T& reference;

typedef typename std::add_const<T>::type const_value;
typedef const_value* const_pointer;
typedef const_value& const_reference;

typedef std::shared_ptr<value_type> shared;
typedef ndArray<T,N> self;// Constructors
ndArray() { reset(); }
ndArray( pointer ptr, const unsigned *size, bool manage ) { assign(ptr,size,manage); }// Copy constructor
ndArray( const self& other ) { operator=(other); }
self& operator= ( const self& other );

// Check pointer validity
inline bool empty() const { return !((bool) m_data); }
inline operator bool() const { return m_data; }

// Print array dimensions
void info() const;// ------------------------------------------------------------------------// Clear contents
void clear();
void reset();// Assign a pointer or another instance
void assign( pointer ptr, const unsigned *size, bool manage );
void assign( const self& other ) { operator=(other); }// Swap contents with another array
void swap( self& other );// Copy from another array
template <typename U>
void copy( const ndArray<U,N>& other );// ------------------------------------------------------------------------// 1D access
inline reference operator[] ( unsigned n ) const
{ return data()[ ND_ARRAY_PROTECT(n,m_numel) ]; }

// ND access
reference operator() ( const unsigned *subs ) const
{ return data()[ sub2ind<N>(subs, m_size, m_strides) ]; }

reference operator() ( std::initializer_list<unsigned> subs ) const
if ( subs.size() != N )
throw std::length_error("Invalid coordinates length.");
return data()[ sub2ind<N>(subs.begin(), m_size, m_strides) ];

// Coordinates access
reference operator() ( unsigned i, ... ) const
va_list vl; va_start(vl,i);
return data()[ i+sub2ind<N>(vl, m_size, m_strides) ];
}// Access data directly
inline const_pointer cdata() const { return m_data.get(); }
inline pointer data() const { return m_data.get(); }

// Iterators
inline const_pointer cbegin() const { return data(); }
inline const_pointer cend() const { return data() + m_numel; }

inline pointer begin() const { return data(); }
inline pointer end() const { return data() + m_numel; }// ------------------------------------------------------------------------// Dimensions
inline const unsigned* size() const { return m_size; }
inline unsigned size( unsigned n ) const { return m_size[ n % N ]; }
inline const unsigned* strides() const { return m_strides; }
inline unsigned stride( unsigned n ) const { return m_strides[ n % N ]; }
inline unsigned numel() const { return m_numel; }
inline unsigned ndims() const { return N; }protected:

void assign_shared( pointer ptr, bool manage );

unsigned m_numel;
unsigned m_size[N];
unsigned m_strides[N];

shared m_data;
};/********************     **********     ********************/
/********************     **********     ********************/// Include implementation
#include "ndArray.hpp"


* Assignment operator.
* Performs a shallow copy of the other instance.
* For deep-copies, see copy() below.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
ndArray<T,N>& ndArray<T,N>::operator=( const self& other )
if ( other.m_data != m_data )
// Clear current instance first

// Copy data from other
m_data  = other.m_data;
m_numel = other.m_numel;
std::copy_n( other.m_size, N, m_size );
std::copy_n( other.m_strides, N, m_strides );

return *this;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Performs a deep-copy of another instance with possibly
* different value-type. Deep copies are allowed only if
* the pointer type is non-const (otherwise no assignment
* is possible).
* To perform the copy, a new memory allocation is requested
* to store as many values as other.m_numel; the current
* instance takes ownership of this new memory.
* Note that subsequent shallow copies (see assignment operator)
* will simply share this ownership (reference counting).
* Note also that this code might generate warnings because of
* the value-cast performed on the values of other.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
template <typename U>
void ndArray<T,N>::copy( const ndArray<U,N>& other )
if ( !std::is_const<T>::value )
// Create new allocation only if necessary
if ( other.numel() == m_numel )
// Otherwise simply copy dimensions
std::copy_n( other.size(), N, m_size );
std::copy_n( other.strides(), N, m_strides );
assign( new T[ other.numel() ], other.size(), true );

// Copy data
auto dst = begin(); auto src = other.cbegin();
for ( ;src != other.cend(); ++src, ++dst )  *dst = (T) *src;
throw std::logic_error("Const values cannot be assigned!");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Reset shared pointer.
* This will trigger the deletion of the underlying memory if
* m_data is unique (m_data.use_count() == 1). Note that if the
* data was assigned with 'manage' set to false (see below),
* the deleter(no_delete functor) will NOT release the memory.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
void ndArray<T,N>::clear()

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* More thorough cleanup. Calls clear() (see above), and sets
* all the rest to 0.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
void ndArray<T,N>::reset()
m_numel = 0;
std::fill_n( m_size, N, 0 );
std::fill_n( m_strides, N, 0 );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Swap contents with another ndArray.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
void ndArray<T,N>::swap( self& other )
std::swap( m_numel, other.m_numel );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i )
std::swap( m_size[i], other.m_size[i] );
std::swap( m_strides[i], other.m_strides[i] );
m_data.swap( other.m_data );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Internal method (protected) to assign the shared pointer.
* Dimensions are assumed to be taken care of by the public
* assign variants (see below); only the pointer, it's length
* and the flag 'manage' are required here.
* 'manage' allows to specify whether or not the shared pointer
* should release the memory when the last refering instance is
* destroyed.
* If true, the default deleter std::default_delete will be
* assigned to the shared pointer. Note that this deleter releases
* memory allocated USING NEW ONLY;
*  DO NOT use malloc/calloc or other C allocation variants.
* If false, the deleter no_delete is given instead; this will NOT
* release the memory when the last refering instance is destroyed.
* Use only with either externally managed (eg Matlab) or static
* allocations.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
void ndArray<T,N>::assign_shared( pointer ptr, bool manage )
if (manage)
m_data.reset( ptr );
m_data.reset( ptr, no_delete<T>() );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Assign from pointer and size.
* If manage == true, the internal shared pointer m_data
* will assume ownership of the memory pointed by ptr, and
* try to release it using delete[] when the last refering
* instance gets destroyed.
* If ptr is dynamically allocated, make sure that the
* allocation is performed with NEW, and NOT C variants
* like malloc/calloc/etc.
* If manage == false, a dummy deleter (no_delete functor) is
* passed to the shared pointer; nothing happens to the memory
* pointed by ptr when the last refering instance gets destroyed.
template <typename T, unsigned N>
void ndArray<T,N>::assign( pointer ptr, const unsigned *size, bool manage )
if ( ptr != data() )
// Compute internal dimensions
m_numel = 1;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i )
m_size[i] = size[i];
m_numel  *= size[i];
m_strides[ (i+1) % N ] = m_numel;
}   m_strides[0] = 1;

// Set data
assign_shared( ptr, manage );

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Simply prints information about the dimensions of the
* n-dimensional array (size & number of elements).
template <typename T, unsigned N>
void ndArray<T,N>::info() const
if ( m_data )
printf("%u-dimensional array of size (%u", N, m_size[0]);
for ( unsigned d = 1; d < N; ++d )
printf(", %u", m_size[d]);
printf(") = %u elements.\n", m_numel);
printf("Empty %u-dimensional array.\n", N);

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