Python — Cython, комплексные значения и алгоритм BM3D

Я работаю над алгоритмом реконструкции изображения, и я нашел это репо онлайн, который отлично работает с моим кодом, но, к сожалению, он не поддерживает сложные вычисления. Я читал о Cython последние пару дней, но у меня не хватает времени, и я хотел бы попросить совета, прежде чем разбираться со всем кодом.

Точнее, это файл Cython:

from libcpp.vector cimport vector
from libcpp cimport bool
cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np

cdef extern from "../bm3d_src/mt19937ar.h":
double mt_genrand_res53()

cdef extern from "../bm3d_src/bm3d.h":
int run_bm3d( const float sigma, vector[float] &img_noisy,
vector[float] &img_basic,
vector[float] &img_denoised,
const unsigned width,
const unsigned height,
const unsigned chnls,
const bool useSD_h,
const bool useSD_w,
const unsigned tau_2D_hard,
const unsigned tau_2D_wien,
const unsigned color_space)

cdef extern from "../bm3d_src/utilities.h":
int save_image(char * name, vector[float] & img,
const unsigned width,
const unsigned height,
const unsigned chnls)def hello():
return "Hello World"
def random():
return mt_genrand_res53()

cpdef float[:, :, :] bm3d(float[:, :, :] input_array,
float sigma,
bool useSD_h = True,
bool useSD_w = True,
str tau_2D_hard = "DCT",
str tau_2D_wien = "DCT"):
"""sigma: value of assumed noise of the noisy image;
input_array : input image, H x W x channum
useSD_h (resp. useSD_w): if true, use weight based
on the standard variation of the 3D group for the
first (resp. second) step, otherwise use the number
of non-zero coefficients after Hard Thresholding
(resp. the norm of Wiener coefficients);

tau_2D_hard (resp. tau_2D_wien): 2D transform to apply
on every 3D group for the first (resp. second) part.
Allowed values are 'DCT' and 'BIOR';
# FIXME : add color space support; right now just RGB
cdef vector[float] input_image
cdef vector[float] basic_image
cdef vector[float] output_image
cdef vector[float] denoised_image

height = input_array.shape[0]
width = input_array.shape[1]
chnls = input_array.shape[2]# convert the input image
pos = 0
for i in range(input_array.shape[0]):
for j in range(input_array.shape[1]):
for k in range(input_array.shape[2]):
input_image[pos] = input_array[i, j, k]
pos +=1if tau_2D_hard == "DCT":
tau_2D_hard_i = 4
elif tau_2D_hard == "BIOR" :
tau_2D_hard_i = 5
raise ValueError("Unknown tau_2d_hard, must be DCT or BIOR")

if tau_2D_wien == "DCT":
tau_2D_wien_i = 4
elif tau_2D_wien == "BIOR" :
tau_2D_wien_i = 5
raise ValueError("Unknown tau_2d_wien, must be DCT or BIOR")

# FIXME someday we'll have color support
color_space = 0

ret = run_bm3d(sigma, input_image, basic_image, output_image,
width, height, chnls,
useSD_h, useSD_w,
tau_2D_hard_i, tau_2D_wien_i,
if ret != 0:
raise Exception("run_bmd3d returned an error, retval=%d" % ret)

cdef np.ndarray output_array = np.zeros([height, width, chnls],
dtype = np.float32)pos = 0
for i in range(input_array.shape[0]):
for j in range(input_array.shape[1]):
for k in range(input_array.shape[2]):
output_array[i, j, k] = output_image[pos]
pos +=1

return output_array

Как мне сделать самые минимальные изменения, чтобы он работал с массивом numpy с dtype = ‘complex’?




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