У меня есть некоторые ошибки Link, которые сводят меня с ума. все тесты работают, кроме этого. этот заявляет, что есть проблема с нерешенным внешним символом. Мне не имеет смысла, что все основные тесты работают, кроме третьего.

 1>  All outputs are up-to-date.
1>test11c.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class bankAccount __thiscall bag::currentItem(void)const " (?currentItem@bag@@QBE?AVbankAccount@@XZ) referenced in function _main
1>test11c.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall bag::add(class bankAccount)" (?add@bag@@QAEXVbankAccount@@@Z) referenced in function _main
1>C:\Users\Desktop\stats\bagObject\Debug\bagObject.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals

// 11C Test bag.sort  (answer in bag.cpp)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "COMPFUN.H"// For decimals
#include "BACCOUNT.H"// Must include baccount before the typedef

typedef bankAccount BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE;
#include "bag.h" // For the bag class

int main()
bag account;

account.add( bankAccount("Mellisa", 400) );
account.add( bankAccount("Miguel", 200) );
account.add( bankAccount("Bob", 300) );
decimals(cout, 2);
bankAccount anAcct;
for( account.first(); ! account.isDone(); account.next() )

account= account.currentItem();       // Output:
cout.width(8);                        // 300.00 Bob
cout << anAcct.balance();             // 400.00 Mellisa
cout << " " << anAcct.name() << endl; // 200.00 Miguel

return 0;

// INTERFACE FILE: baccount.h
// Defines class bankAccount
// Declares the relational operators so bankAccount objects
//   can be stored in standard containers such as list
#ifndef BACCOUNT_H   // Avoid redeclaring class bankAccount.
#define BACCOUNT_H   // This code is compiled only once
#include <string>    // for class string
using namespace std; // avoid having to write std:: as in std::string

/////// class bankAccount defintion ///////

class bankAccount {
public:  // class member functions


bankAccount(string initName, double initBalance);
// post: A bankAccount with two arguments when called like this:
//       bankAccount anAcct("Hall", 100.00);


void deposit(double depositAmount);
// post: depositAmount is credited to this object's balance

void withdraw(double withdrawalAmount);
// post: withdrawalAmount is debited from this object's balance


double balance() const;
// post: return this account's current balance

string name() const;
// post return the account name

string my_name;    // Uniquely identify an object
double my_balance; // Store the current balance (non-persistent)

//--Auxilliary functions

// With these two functions, bankAccount objects can be
// sorted and searched by the standard algorithms
bool operator <  (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator == (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator != (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator <= (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator >  (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);
bool operator >= (const bankAccount & left, const bankAccount & right);

#endif   // ifndef BACCOUNT_H


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include "BACCOUNT.H"#include "COMPFUN.H"using namespace std;

typedef int BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE;
#include "bag.h"
//--constructorsbag::bag(int initCapacity)
// pre:  initCapacity >= 1
// post: size of this bag is bag to 0 with the capacity
//       to store initCapacity BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE objects
my_size = 0; my_index = 0;
my_capacity = initCapacity;

int bag::occurrencesOf(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE matchValue)
int results = 0;
for (first(); !isDone(); next())
if (matchValue == currentItem())
return results;

void bag::add(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE newElement)
// post: Add newElement to this bag and increase
//       the size of this bag object increased by +1.

//       Note: If capacity < size, the bag doubles it capacity
{ if (my_size >= my_capacity)
my_element.resize(2 * my_capacity);
}     my_element[my_size] = newElement;
bool bag::remove(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE removalCandidate)
// post: If found, removalCandidate is removed from this bag.
int subscript =0;
while((subscript < my_size) && (my_element[subscript] != removalCandidate))
if(subscript == my_size)
{// removalCandidate not found
return false;
{ // move last element to removalCandidate's spot
my_element[subscript]= my_element[my_size-1];
// and then decreaase size by one
return true;


void bag::sort ()
// post: sort in ascending order
for(int top = 0; top < my_size-1; top++)
for(int j = top+1; j < my_size; j++)
{if(my_element[j] < my_element[top])
Bag2 = my_element[top];
my_element[top] = my_element[j];
my_element[j] = Bag2;

int bag::capacity() const
// post: return the maximum number of elements that could be stored in this bag
return my_capacity;
int bag::size() const
// post: return the number of elements that are currently in this bag
//       the number of objects added but not removed.
return my_size;
bool bag::isEmpty () const
// post: Returns true if there are zero items in the bag.
//       Returns false if there is one more added elements
{  if(my_size !=0)
return my_size==0;
//--iterator functions

void bag::first() const
// post: my_index points to the first item

// Cast away const so this appears to not modify the object
// This is the only situation this trick should be used to subvert the meaning of const
//((bag*)this)->my_index = 0;
if(my_size >= 0)
((bag*)this)->my_index = 0;

void bag::next() const
// post: my_index points to the next item

// Cast away const so this appears to not modify the object
// This is the only situation this trick should be used to subvert the meaning of const
// ((bag*)this)->my_index++;
bool bag::isDone() const
// post: Returns true if the collection has been traversed
return my_index >= my_size;

BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE bag::currentItem() const
// pre:  ! isDone && my_size > 0
// post: Returns the item pointed to by the my_index

return my_element[my_index];

#ifndef BAG_H
#define BAG_H
#include <iostream>
#include "BACCOUNT.H"#include "COMPFUN.H"#include <vector>
using namespace std;


class bag {

// post: Size of this bag is 0.
//       Initial capacity == DEFAULT_INITIAL_BAG_CAPACITY

bag(int initCapacity);
// pre:  initCapacity >= 1
// post: size of this bag is bag to 0 with the capacity
//       to store initCapacity BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE objects

int occurrencesOf(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE matchValue);
void add(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE newElement);
// post: Add newElement to this bag and increase
//       the size of this bag object increased by +1.

//       Note: If capacity < size, the bag doubles it capacity

bool remove(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE removalCandidate);
// post: If found, removalCandidate is removed from this bag.

void sort ();
// post: sort in ascending order

//--accessorsint capacity() const;
// post: return the maximum number of elements that could be stored in this bag

int size() const;

bool isEmpty () const;
// post: Returns true if there are zero items in the bag.
//       Returns false if there is one more added elementsvoid first() const;
// post: my_index points to the first item

// Cast away const so this appears to not modify the object
// This is the only situation this trick should be used to subvert the meaning of const
//((bag*)this)->my_index = 0;

void next() const;
// post: my_index points to the next item

// Cast away const so this appears to not modify the object
// This is the only situation this trick should be used to subvert the meaning of const
// ((bag*)this)->my_index++;

bool isDone() const;
// post: Returns true if the collection has been traversed

BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE currentItem() const;
// pre:  ! isDone && my_size > 0
// post: Returns the item pointed to by the my_index

int occurrencesOf(BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE) const;
int my_size;
int my_capacity;
int my_index;   // an internal cursor for iterating over all elements
vector <BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE> my_element;


#endif  // #ifndef BAG_H



У тебя есть BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE установить на int в вашем файле CPP, так что ваши реализации используют intно ваши звонки в main ищем bankAccount функции значения. Вам нужны подписи функций, чтобы соответствовать.


Другие решения

  1. Тип BAG_ELEMENT_TYPE имеет два разных определения типа. Вы должны исправить это, как уже отмечали другие.
  2. Ваш компоновщик на самом деле жалуется, потому что методы «add» и «currentItem» используются в основном файле, определенном в файле bag.cpp, но они не объявлены в файле bag.h. Вы должны добавить их в свой класс.

Надеюсь, поможет!


По вопросам рекламы [email protected]