Один элемент данных объекта через указатель не проходит

Может быть трудно решить эту проблему, потому что у меня много кода, и я не знаю, что мешает выводу.
Справочная информация заключается в том, что я пишу программу, которая читает строки текста из файла, анализирует строки в токены, а затем переводит токены в команды для создания различных типов «датчиков» (цифровых и аналоговых).

У меня есть две основные проблемы. Когда создается новый датчик, объект создается и указатель на объект помещается в массив. Когда информация для всех датчиков печатается, вызывается функция печати каждого объекта, на который указывает массив. Это все работает нормально, но по какой-то причине имя моего датчика всегда появляется пустым. Правильный токен анализируется и присваивается правильной части объекта, но почему-то что-то идет не так, и все имена датчиков отображаются как пустые.

Другая проблема похожа. Существует еще один массив указателей объектов SensorNode. Когда я создаю два объекта SensorNode и вызываю их функции печати через их массив, они печатаются нормально. Когда я добавляю еще два объекта sensorNode в массив и вызываю его снова, информация о двух последних печатается нормально, а информация о первых двух — все это мусор. Что там происходит, чтобы потерять этих первых двух?

Вот мой код, я знаю, что много положил, но я решил, что лучше больше, чем меньше.

Мой главный: (объект создается в инструкции switch в конце для случаев «New Sensor» и «New Node» и печатается в случае «STATUS»)

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

#include "definitions.h"#include "system_utilities.h"#include "sensor.h"#include "sensor_node.h"

int main()
int val;
ifstream inFile;
char* token[MAX_TOKENS_ON_A_LINE];
int numtokens;

SensorNode* NodeList[MAX_NODES];
sensor* SensorList[MAX_SENSORS];
int numNodes = 0;
int numSensors = 0;


inFile.open("p6input.txt", ios::in);
if(inFile.fail()) {
cout << "Could not open input file.  Program terminating.\n\n";
return 0;
do {
inFile.getline(line, MAX_CMD_LINE_LENGTH);
line[strlen(line)+1] = '\0';
numtokens = parseCommandLine(line, token);
int t;
cout << "Number of tokens: " << numtokens << "\n";

val = getCommandNumber(token[0]);

switch(val) {
case HALT:
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";
cout << "Recognized command \"Halt\"";
case STATUS:
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";
if (strcmp(token[1], "nodes") == 0) {

for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
if (strcmp(token[1], "sensors") == 0) {

for (int j = 0; j < numSensors; j++) {

cout << "Recognized command \"Status\"";
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";
cout << "Recognized command \"time click\"";
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";

if (strcmp(token[1], "digital") == 0) {

SensorList[numSensors] = new digitalSensor(token[2],convertFloatToValue(token[3]));
if (strcmp(token[1], "analog") == 0) {

SensorList[numSensors] = new analogSensor(token[2],convertFloatToValue(token[3]),convertIntToValue(token[4]),convertIntToValue(token[5]));


cout << "Recognized command \"New Sensor\"";
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";

NodeList[numNodes] = new SensorNode(token[1], convertFloatToValue(token[3]), convertFloatToValue(token[4]), convertFloatToValue(token[5]), convertIntToValue(token[2]), convertFloatToValue(token[6]));

cout << "Recognized command \"New Sensor Node\"";
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";
cout << "Recognized command \"New Network\"";
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";
cout << "Recognized command \"Add sensor to node\"";
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";
cout << "Recognized command \"Add node to network\"";
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";
cout << "Recognized command \"Sensor Command\"";
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
cout << "Token "<< t << ": " << token[t-1] << "\n";
cout << "Undefined Command";
for (t=1; t <= numtokens; t++) {
free((void *)token[t-1]);
cout << "\n";

cout << "\n";
while (val != HALT);
return 0;

Вот мой датчик.

#ifndef __Program_6__sensor__
#define __Program_6__sensor__

#include <iostream>

class sensor {
char* SensorName;
float energyDraw;
int functioning;
int onoff;

sensor(char*n, float pc);
virtual void print();

void setOK(int K);
int getOK();
void setOnOff(int n);
int getOnOff();
class digitalSensor : public sensor {
int reading;

digitalSensor(char*n, float pc);
virtual void print();
void setCurrentReading(int r);
int getCurrentReading();

class analogSensor : public sensor {
int Reading;
int minRead;
int maxRead;

analogSensor(char *n, float pc, int mn, int mx);
virtual void print();
void setCurrentReading(int r);
int getCurrentReading();
};#endif /* defined(__Program_6__sensor__) */

Части моего датчика.cpp:

#include "sensor.h"#include "definitions.h"using namespace std;

//--------SENSOR CLASS------------//
sensor::sensor(char *n, float pc) {

SensorName = (char*)malloc(strlen(n)+1);
energyDraw = pc;
functioning = WORKING;
onoff = OFF;
void sensor::print() {
cout << "     Sensor: " << SensorName;
cout << "   Power Consumption: " << energyDraw;
if (functioning == WORKING) {
cout << "\n     Sensor is functioning correctly\n";

if (onoff == ON) {
cout << "     Sensor is On\n";
if (onoff == OFF) {
cout << "     Sensor is Off\n";

if (functioning == NOTWORKING) {
cout << "     Sensor is not functioning correctly";
//*********DIGITAL SENSOR**********//

digitalSensor::digitalSensor(char *n, float pc) : sensor(n, pc){
reading = 0;

void digitalSensor::print() {
if (functioning == WORKING && onoff == ON) {
cout << "     Current sensor reading is: " << reading << "\n\n";
if (onoff == OFF) {
cout << "     Current reading not available\n\n";
}//^^^^^^^^^^^^^ANALOG SENSOR^^^^^^^^^//

analogSensor::analogSensor(char *n, float pc, int mn, int mx) : sensor(n, pc) {
Reading = mn;
minRead = mn;
maxRead = mx;

void analogSensor::print() {
cout << "     Minimum Value: " << minRead << ".     Maximum Value: " << maxRead;
if (functioning == WORKING && onoff == ON) {
cout << "\n     Current sensor reading is: " << Reading << "\n\n";
if (functioning == WORKING && onoff == OFF) {
cout << "\n     Current reading not available\n\n";


Возможно, вам это не нужно, но вот (часть) мой sensor_node.cpp

//Functions in SensorNode
SensorNode::SensorNode(char* n, float x, float y, float z, int i, float ah)
NodeName = (char*)malloc(strlen(n)+1);
strcpy(NodeName, n);
NodeID = i;
batt = ah;
func = 1;


void SensorNode::print()

cout << "\nSensor node " << NodeName << "\t ID: " << NodeID << "\n Location:  ";
cout << "\n Remaining battery life: " << batt << " amp hours";
if (func == 0) {
cout<< "\n Node is not functioning\n";
if (func == 1) {
cout <<"\n Node is functioning\n";


И мой sensor_node.h

class SensorNode {
char* NodeName;
int NodeID;
float batt;
int func;public:
SensorNode(char *n, float x, float y, float z, int i, float ah);
void print();
void setOK(int o);
int getOK();
void setLOC(float longi, float lat, float h);

И наконец, вот мой вывод! Проблема возникает в конце, когда ни один из датчиков не показывает имена, и мусор заменяет первые два узла.

Входной файл:

status sensors
status nodes
new_sensor_node  "Kitchen Monitor"   41   1.5  2.5  3.5  10.0
new_sensor_node  Basement   42   3.0   4.0   5.0   5.3
new_sensor  digital  "Window open"   .2
new_sensor  digital  "Oven on"   .5
new_sensor  analog   Temperature  .03  0  255
new_sensor  analog   Humidity  3.1415926  10  20
new_sensor  digital  Alarm   2.0
status nodes
status sensors
new_sensor_node    Garage    51   87.2  93.1   0.0   20.5
new_sensor_node    Attic     52   1.1   2.2   15.3   100.75
new_sensor    digital   G1   1.5
new_sensor    digital   G2   1.5
new_sensor    digital   G3   1.5
new_sensor    digital   G4   1.5
new_sensor    digital   G5   1.5
new_sensor    digital   OOPS1   1.5
new_sensor    analog    OOPS2   1.5   0   31
status sensors
status nodes
new_sensor_node    "Last ok node"    51   87.2  93.1   0.0   20.5
new_sensor_node    "This one should not be added"     52   1.1   2.2   15.3   100.75


Number of tokens: 2
Token 1: status
Token 2: sensors
Recognized command "Status"
Number of tokens: 2
Token 1: status
Token 2: nodes
Recognized command "Status"
Number of tokens: 7
Token 1: new_sensor_node
Token 2: Kitchen Monitor
Token 3: 41
Token 4: 1.5
Token 5: 2.5
Token 6: 3.5
Token 7: 10.0
Recognized command "New Sensor Node"
Number of tokens: 7
Token 1: new_sensor_node
Token 2: Basement
Token 3: 42
Token 4: 3.0
Token 5: 4.0
Token 6: 5.0
Token 7: 5.3
Recognized command "New Sensor Node"
Number of tokens: 4
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: digital
Token 3: Window open
Token 4: .2
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 4
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: digital
Token 3: Oven on
Token 4: .5
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 6
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: analog
Token 3: Temperature
Token 4: .03
Token 5: 0
Token 6: 255
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 6
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: analog
Token 3: Humidity
Token 4: 3.1415926
Token 5: 10
Token 6: 20
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 4
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: digital
Token 3: Alarm
Token 4: 2.0
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 2
Token 1: status
Token 2: nodes

Sensor node Kitchen Monitor  ID: 41
Location:  (LONGITUDE: 1.5 ,LATITUDE: 2.5 ,HEIGHT: 3.5 )
Remaining battery life: 10 amp hours
Node is functioning

Sensor node Basement     ID: 42
Location:  (LONGITUDE: 3 ,LATITUDE: 4 ,HEIGHT: 5 )
Remaining battery life: 5.3 amp hours
Node is functioning
Recognized command "Status"
Number of tokens: 2
Token 1: status
Token 2: sensors
Sensor:    Power Consumption: 0.2
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 0.5
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 0.03
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Minimum Value: 0.     Maximum Value: 255
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 3.14159
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Minimum Value: 10.     Maximum Value: 20
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 2
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Recognized command "Status"
Number of tokens: 7
Token 1: new_sensor_node
Token 2: Garage
Token 3: 51
Token 4: 87.2
Token 5: 93.1
Token 6: 0.0
Token 7: 20.5
Recognized command "New Sensor Node"
Number of tokens: 7
Token 1: new_sensor_node
Token 2: Attic
Token 3: 52
Token 4: 1.1
Token 5: 2.2
Token 6: 15.3
Token 7: 100.75
Recognized command "New Sensor Node"
Number of tokens: 4
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: digital
Token 3: G1
Token 4: 1.5
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 4
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: digital
Token 3: G2
Token 4: 1.5
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 4
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: digital
Token 3: G3
Token 4: 1.5
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 4
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: digital
Token 3: G4
Token 4: 1.5
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 4
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: digital
Token 3: G5
Token 4: 1.5
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 4
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: digital
Token 3: OOPS1
Token 4: 1.5
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 6
Token 1: new_sensor
Token 2: analog
Token 3: OOPS2
Token 4: 1.5
Token 5: 0
Token 6: 31
Recognized command "New Sensor"
Number of tokens: 2
Token 1: status
Token 2: sensors
Sensor:    Power Consumption: 0.2
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 0.5
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 0.03
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Minimum Value: 0.     Maximum Value: 255
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 3.14159
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Minimum Value: 10.     Maximum Value: 20
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 2
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 1.5
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 1.5
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 1.5
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 1.5
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 1.5
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 1.5
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Current reading not available

Sensor:    Power Consumption: 1.5
Sensor is functioning correctly
Sensor is Off
Minimum Value: 0.     Maximum Value: 31
Current reading not available

Recognized command "Status"
Number of tokens: 2
Token 1: status
Token 2: nodes

Sensor node \200o    ID: 1064672
Location:  (LONGITUDE: 1.4013e-45 ,LATITUDE: 1.5 ,HEIGHT: 7.00649e-45 )
Remaining battery life: 3.50325e-44 amp hours
Node is not functioning

Sensor node \300q    ID: 1064768
Location:  (LONGITUDE: 1.4013e-45 ,LATITUDE: 1.5 ,HEIGHT: 7.00649e-45 )
Remaining battery life: 3.50325e-44 amp hours
Node is not functioning

Sensor node Garage   ID: 51
Location:  (LONGITUDE: 87.2 ,LATITUDE: 93.1 ,HEIGHT: 0 )
Remaining battery life: 20.5 amp hours
Node is functioning

Sensor node Attic    ID: 52
Location:  (LONGITUDE: 1.1 ,LATITUDE: 2.2 ,HEIGHT: 15.3 )
Remaining battery life: 100.75 amp hours
Node is functioning
Recognized command "Status"
Number of tokens: 7
Token 1: new_sensor_node
Token 2: Last ok node
Token 3: 51
Token 4: 87.2
Token 5: 93.1
Token 6: 0.0
Token 7: 20.5
Recognized command "New Sensor Node"
Number of tokens: 7
Token 1: new_sensor_node
Token 2: This one should not be added
Token 3: 52
Token 4: 1.1
Token 5: 2.2
Token 6: 15.3
Token 7: 100.75
Recognized command "New Sensor Node"
Number of tokens: 1
Token 1: halt
Recognized command "Halt"

Как всегда, спасибо за любую помощь, которая может быть предложена! Извините за тонны кода.



Я решил одну проблему! Я добавил строку strcpy (SensorName, n); после моего malloc в моей инициализации датчика. Я выделял пространство, но не назначал ему аргумент


Другие решения

Других решений пока нет …

По вопросам рекламы ammmcru@yandex.ru