MRPT (Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit) Фильтры Калмана

 Я новичок в области SLAM. Недавно я нашел Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit и я хочу изучить расширенный фильтр Калмана в нем. Но разочарованно, я думаю, что пример bayesianTracking / test.cpp немного сложен для меня. Итак, я адаптирую его для решения простой задачи ниже:

Радар слежения

 В этом примере отслеживается положение самолета, предполагающего постоянную скорость и высоту, и измерения наклонного расстояния до самолета. Это означает, что нам нужны 3 переменные состояния — горизонтальное расстояние, горизонтальная скорость и высота:

Икс= [Х, ух, у]

 Функция измерения:

 час(Икс) = SQRT (х ^ 2 + у ^ 2)

 Для этой проблемы у нас есть наблюдение якобиан:

 J_H = [х / SQRT (х ^ 2 + у ^ 2), 0, у / SQRT (х ^ 2 + у ^ 2)]

 В моем коде нет синтаксической ошибки, но результаты не сходятся. Может быть, я сделал несколько ошибок? Может ли кто-нибудь помочь мне выяснить, в чем проблема?

#include <mrpt/bayes/CKalmanFilterCapable.h>
#include <mrpt/random.h>
#include <mrpt/system/os.h>
#include <mrpt/system/threads.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace mrpt;
using namespace mrpt::bayes;
using namespace mrpt::math;
using namespace mrpt::utils;
using namespace mrpt::random;
using namespace std;

#define DELTA_TIME                  0.05f   // Time Step between Filter Steps
#define VEHICLE_INITIAL_X           10.0f
#define VEHICLE_INITIAL_Y           2000.0f
#define VEHICLE_INITIAL_V           200.0f
#define TRANSITION_MODEL_STD        1.0f
#define RANGE_SENSOR_NOISE_STD      5.0f// Implementation of the system models as a EKF
class CRange: public CKalmanFilterCapable<3, 1, 0, 0>
CRange( );
virtual ~CRange();

void  Process( double DeltaTime, double observationRange);

void getState( KFVector &xkk, KFMatrix &pkk)
xkk = m_xkk;  //The system state vector.
pkk = m_pkk;  //The system full covariance matrix
float m_obsRange;
float m_deltaTime;    // Time Step between Filter Steps

// return the action vector u
void OnGetAction( KFArray_ACT &out_u ) const;

// Implements the transition model
void OnTransitionModel(const KFArray_ACT &in_u,KFArray_VEH &inout_x,bool &out_skipPrediction) const;

// Implements the transition Jacobian
void OnTransitionJacobian(KFMatrix_VxV  &out_F ) const;

// Implements the transition noise covariance
void OnTransitionNoise(KFMatrix_VxV &out_Q ) const;

// Return the observation NOISE covariance matrix, that is, the model of the Gaussian additive noise of the sensor.
void OnGetObservationNoise(KFMatrix_OxO &out_R) const;

/** This is called between the KF prediction step and the update step
*  This method will be called just once for each complete KF iteration.
* \note It is assumed that the observations are independent, i.e. there are NO cross-covariances between them.
void OnGetObservationsAndDataAssociation(
vector_KFArray_OBS            &out_z,
mrpt::vector_int            &out_data_association,
const vector_KFArray_OBS  &in_all_predictions,
const KFMatrix              &in_S,
const vector_size_t         &in_lm_indices_in_S,
const KFMatrix_OxO          &in_R

// Implements the observation prediction
void OnObservationModel(const vector_size_t &idx_landmarks_to_predict,vector_KFArray_OBS  &out_predictions) const;

// Implements the observation Jacobians
void OnObservationJacobians(const size_t &idx_landmark_to_predict,KFMatrix_OxV &Hx,KFMatrix_OxF &Hy) const;
KF_options.method = kfEKFNaive;

//  State: (x,vx,y)

// Initial cov:  Large uncertainty
m_pkk = 50 * m_pkk;

}void  CRange::Process( double DeltaTime, double observationRange)
m_deltaTime = (float)DeltaTime;
m_obsRange  = (float)observationRange;

runOneKalmanIteration(); // executes one complete step: prediction + update
}// Must return the action vector u.
// param out_u: The action vector which will be passed to OnTransitionModel
void CRange::OnGetAction( KFArray_ACT &out_u ) const

}/** Implements the transition model(Project the state ahead)
param in_u :    The vector returned by OnGetAction.
param inout_x:  prediction value
param out_skip: Set this to true if for some reason you want to skip the prediction step. Default:false
void CRange::OnTransitionModel(const KFArray_ACT &in_u, KFArray_VEH &inout_x, bool &out_skipPrediction) const
// The constant-velocities model is implemented simply as:
inout_x[0] += (inout_x[0] + m_deltaTime * inout_x[1]);
inout_x[1] = inout_x[1];
inout_x[2] = inout_x[2];
}/** Implements the transition Jacobian
param out_F Must return the Jacobian.
The returned matrix must be N*N with N being the size of the whole state vector.
void CRange::OnTransitionJacobian(KFMatrix_VxV  &F) const
F(0,1) = m_deltaTime;
}/** Implements the transition noise covariance
param out_Q Must return the covariance matrix.
The returned matrix must be of the same size than the jacobian from OnTransitionJacobian
void CRange::OnTransitionNoise(KFMatrix_VxV &Q) const
}/** Return the observation NOISE covariance matrix, that is, the model of the Gaussian additive noise of the sensor.
param out_R : The noise covariance matrix. It might be non diagonal, but it'll usually be.
void CRange::OnGetObservationNoise(KFMatrix_OxO &R) const
}// This is called between the KF prediction step and the update step
void CRange::OnGetObservationsAndDataAssociation(
vector_KFArray_OBS          &out_z,
mrpt::vector_int            &out_data_association,
const vector_KFArray_OBS    &in_all_predictions,
const KFMatrix              &in_S,
const vector_size_t         &in_lm_indices_in_S,
const KFMatrix_OxO          &in_R)
//out_z: N vectors, N being the number of "observations"out_z.resize(1);
out_z[0][0] = m_obsRange;
}/** Implements the observation prediction
param idx_landmark_to_predict: The indices of the landmarks in the map whose predictions are expected as output. For non SLAM-like problems, this input value is undefined and the application should just generate one observation for the given problem.
param out_predictions: The predicted observations.
void CRange::OnObservationModel(const vector_size_t &idx_landmarks_to_predict,vector_KFArray_OBS &out_predictions) const
// idx_landmarks_to_predict is ignored in NON-SLAM problems
out_predictions[0][0] = sqrt( square(m_xkk[0]) + square(m_xkk[2]) );
}// Implements the observation Jacobians
void CRange::OnObservationJacobians(const size_t &idx_landmark_to_predict,KFMatrix_OxV &Hx,KFMatrix_OxF &Hy) const
Hx(0,0) = m_xkk[0] / sqrt(square(m_xkk[0])+square(m_xkk[2]));
Hx(0,2) = m_xkk[2] / sqrt(square(m_xkk[0])+square(m_xkk[2]));
}int main ()
// Create class instance
CRange    EKF;
EKF.KF_options.method = kfEKFNaive; //select the KF algorithm

// Initiate simulation
float x=0, y=1000, v=100; // true values
float t=0;

while (!mrpt::system::os::kbhit())
// Simulate noisy observation:
x += v * DELTA_TIME;
float realRange = sqrt(square(x)+square(y));

// double mrpt::random::CRandomGenerator::drawGaussian1D_normalized(double * likelihood = NULL)
// Generate a normalized (mean=0, std=1) normally distributed sample
float obsRange = max(0.0, realRange + RANGE_SENSOR_NOISE_STD * randomGenerator.drawGaussian1D_normalized() );

printf("Real/Simulated range: %.03f / %.03f \n", realRange, obsRange );// Process with EKF
EKF.Process(DELTA_TIME, obsRange);// Show EKF state:
CRange::KFVector EKF_xkk;
CRange::KFMatrix EKF_pkk;
EKF.getState( EKF_xkk, EKF_pkk );

printf("Real state: x:%.03f  v=%.03f  y=%.03f \n",x,v,y);
cout << "EKF estimation:" <<endl<< EKF_xkk << endl;
cout <<"-------------------------------------------"<<endl;

// Delay(An OS-independent method for sending the current thread to "sleep" for a given period of time)
}return 0;



Обновление x [0] в модели перехода неверно, inout_x [0] добавляется дважды. Это должно работать:

void CRange::OnTransitionModel(const KFArray_ACT &in_u, KFArray_VEH &inout_x, bool &out_skipPrediction) const
// The constant-velocities model is implemented simply as:
inout_x[0] += m_deltaTime * inout_x[1];
inout_x[1] = inout_x[1];
inout_x[2] = inout_x[2];

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