коммивояжер — проблема с поиском по 2 и 3 вариантам в разрешении TSP в переполнении стека

У меня есть некоторые проблемы с моей реализацией решателя для TSP на c ++. У меня в принципе две проблемы.

Первый касается сравнения в twoOptSearch () между min_change и change. Мне нужно использовать это небольшое смещение, чтобы избежать бесконечного цикла. Я не знаю, почему я должен использовать это, и я не знаю, почему нет необходимости в соответствующем сравнении в threeOptSearch.

Второй относится к ThreeOptSearch. Из теории я знаю, что тур, который является 3-х оптимальным, также является 2-х оптимальным. Но если я вызову twoOptSearch после threeOptSearch, он сможет сократить продолжительность тура.

Пожалуйста, если вы можете помочь мне с этими проблемами или просто у вас есть какие-то предложения, не стесняйтесь ответить. Я был бы очень признателен.

Это файлы, которые участвуют.


#ifndef _TSP
#define _TSP

#include <vector>   // for vector
#include <math.h>   // for sqrt.

class City{
int id;
double x_coord;
double y_coord;

class Tour{
int size;                                       // number of cities in tour, that is the total number of different cities plus one (the tour ends with the same city from which it started)
std::vector< std::vector<double> > distances;   // distance between cities
double length;                                  // length of the tour (it's updated with each tour change)
void twoOptMove(int, int);
void threeOptMove(char, int, int, int);
std::vector<City> cities;
int getSize(){return size;};                                    // return size
void computeDistances(void);                                    // compute distances matrix, that has dimensions (size-1)x(size-1)
double getDistance(int i, int j){return distances[i-1][j-1];};  // given two ids, return distance between corresponding cities
void computeLength(void);                                       // compute length
double getLength(void){return length;};                         // return length
void nearestNeighbourSearch(void);                              // do the nearest neighbour search
void twoOptSearch(void);                                        // do the 2-opt search
void threeOptSearch(void);                                      // do the 3-opt search



#include "tsp.h"
Tour::Tour(int tour_size) : size(tour_size){
distances.resize(size - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i)
distances[i].resize(size - 1);

void Tour::computeDistances(){
int h_x, h_y;
for(int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++){
for(int j = i; j < size - 1; j++){
h_x = cities[i].x_coord - cities[j].x_coord;
h_y = cities[i].y_coord - cities[j].y_coord;
h_x *= h_x;
h_y *= h_y;
distances[j][i] = distances[i][j] = sqrt(h_x + h_y);

void Tour::computeLength(){
for(int i = length = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
length += getDistance(cities[i].id, cities[i+1].id);

void Tour::nearestNeighbourSearch(){
// Do nearest neighbor search
int curr = 0;
int succ;
int flag;
std::vector<City> help_cities;

// set start city
succ = curr;
help_cities[0] = cities[curr];

for(int i = 1; i < size - 1; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < size - 1; j++){
flag = true;

// verify that it is not already present in tour
for(int k = 0; flag && k < i; k++)
if(cities[j].id == help_cities[k].id) flag = false;

// choose the first unvisited city if a candidate city has not been selected yet
if(flag && curr == succ)
succ = j;

// if a candidate city has been selected, verify which one is the best
if(flag && getDistance(cities[curr].id, cities[succ].id) > getDistance(cities[curr].id, cities[j].id))
succ = j;

// chose the best city as the current one and save its position
curr = succ;
help_cities[i] = cities[curr];

// set end city equal to the start one
help_cities[size-1] = help_cities[0];

// update tour
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
cities[i] = help_cities[i];

void Tour::twoOptSearch(){
/* In each iteration, apply a 2-opt move. That is, find pair of edges
* (a,a+1) and (b,b+1) such that replacing them with (a,b) and (a+1,b+1)
* minimizes tour length.
*       a   b                   a   b
*  ────→●   ●←────         ────→●───●────→
*        ╲ ╱
*         ╳          ==>
*        ╱ ╲
*  ←────●   ●────→         ←────●───●←────
*      b+1 a+1                 b+1 a+1

double min_change, change;
int a_min, b_min;
double od1, od2;
double nd1, nd2;

// repeat until there are not new improvement
min_change = 0;
for(int a = 0; a < size - 2; a++){
for(int b = a + 1; b < size - 1; b++){
od1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[a+1].id);
od2 = getDistance(cities[b].id, cities[b+1].id);
nd1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[b].id);
nd2 = getDistance(cities[a+1].id, cities[b+1].id);
change = nd1 + nd2 - od1 - od2;
// ERROR: without this small offset there is an infinite loop.
if(min_change - 0.0000000000001 > change){
min_change = change;
a_min = a;
b_min = b;
if(min_change) twoOptMove(a_min, b_min);

// update length

void Tour::twoOptMove(int a, int b){
/* - take tour[0] to tour[a] and add them in order to new tour
* - take tour[a+1] to tour[b] and add them in reverse order to new tour
* - take tour[b+1] to end and add them in order to new tour
*       a   b                   a   b
*  ────→●   ●←────         ────→●───●────→
*        ╲ ╱
*         ╳          ==>
*        ╱ ╲
*  ←────●   ●────→         ←────●───●←────
*      b+1 a+1                 b+1 a+1

std::vector<City> help_cities;

// compute new tour
for(int k = 0; k <= a; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];
for(int k = 0; k < b - a; k++){
help_cities[a+k+1] = cities[b-k];
for(int k = b + 1; k < size; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];

// update tour
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
cities[i] = help_cities[i];

void Tour::threeOptSearch(){
/* In each iteration, apply a 3-opt move. That is, find three edges
* (a,a+1), (b,b+1) and (c,c+1) such that replacing them with three
* other edges minimizes tour length. Each 3-opt move can be performed
* with one, two or three 2-opt valid move.
* REMARK: a move is called valid if it reduces the tour length.

double min_change, change;
double change_a, change_b, change_c, change_d, change_e, change_f, change_g;
char move_type_min, move_type;
int a_min, b_min, c_min;
double od1, od2, od3;
double nd1, nd2, nd3;

// repeat until there are not new improvement
min_change = 0;
for(int a = 0; a < size - 3; a++){
for(int b = a + 1; b < size - 2; b++){
for(int c = b + 1; c < size - 1; c++){
od1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[a+1].id);
od2 = getDistance(cities[b].id, cities[b+1].id);
od2 = getDistance(cities[c].id, cities[c+1].id);

/* a)
*       ↑   ↓                               ↑   ↓
*   b+1 ●   ● c                         b+1 ●   ● c
*        ╲ ╱                               ╱     ╲
*    a    ╳   a+1    3 * 2-opt moves      ╱       ╲
* ──→●───╱─╲───●──→      ====>        ──→● a   a+1 ●──→
*       ╱   ╲
* ←────●     ●←────                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1    b                            c+1    b
nd1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[b+1].id);
nd2 = getDistance(cities[c].id, cities[a+1].id);
nd3 = getDistance(cities[b].id, cities[c+1].id);
change_a = nd1 + nd2 + nd3 - od1 - od2 - od3;

/* b)
*       ↑   ↓                               ↑   ↓
*   b+1 ●   ● c                         b+1 ●   ● c
*       │   │                              ╱     ╲
*    a  └───┼──┐     2 * 2-opt moves      ╱       ╲
* ──→●┐  ┌──┘  ●←──      ====>        ──→● a     b ●──→
*     └──┼───┐ b
* ←────●─┘   ●────→                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1   a+1                           c+1   a+1
nd1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[b+1].id);
nd2 = getDistance(cities[c].id, cities[b].id);
nd3 = getDistance(cities[a+1].id, cities[c+1].id);
change_b = nd1 + nd2 + nd3 - od1 - od2 - od3;

/* c)
*       ↓   ↑                               ↑   ↓
*     b ●   ● a+1                         b ●   ● a+1
*       │   │                              ╱     ╲
*    ┌──┼───┘  c     2 * 2-opt moves      ╱       ╲
* ──→●  └──┐  ┌●←──      ====>        ──→● a     c ●──→
*    a ┌───┼──┘
* ←────●   └─●────→                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1   b+1                           c+1   b+1
nd1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[b].id);
nd2 = getDistance(cities[a+1].id, cities[c].id);
nd3 = getDistance(cities[b+1].id, cities[c+1].id);
change_c = nd1 + nd2 + nd3 - od1 - od2 - od3;

/* d)
*       ↓   ↑                               ↑   ↓
*     c ●   ● b+1                         c ●   ● b+1
*       │   │                              ╱     ╲
*    a  │   │ a+1    2 * 2-opt moves      ╱       ╲
* ──→●──┼───┼──●──→      ====>        ──→● a   a+1 ●──→
*       │   │
* ←────●┘   └●←────                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1    b                            c+1    b
nd1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[c].id);
nd2 = getDistance(cities[b+1].id, cities[a+1].id);
nd3 = getDistance(cities[b].id, cities[c+1].id);
change_d = nd1 + nd2 + nd3 - od1 - od2 - od3;

/* e)
*       ↓   ↑                               ↑   ↓
*     c ●   ● b+1                         c ●   ● b+1
*       │    ╲                             ╱     ╲
*    a  │     ╲      1 * 2-opt move       ╱       ╲
* ──→●──┼────┐ ●←──      ====>        ──→● a     b ●──→
*       │    │ b
* ←────●┘    ●────→                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1   a+1                           c+1   a+1
nd1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[c].id);
nd2 = getDistance(cities[b+1].id, cities[b].id);
nd3 = getDistance(cities[a+1].id, cities[c+1].id);
change_e = nd1 + nd2 + nd3 - od1 - od2 - od3;

/* f)
*       ↑   ↓                               ↑   ↓
*   a+1 ●   ● b                         a+1 ●   ● b
*      ╱    │                              ╱     ╲
*     ╱     │        1 * 2-opt move       ╱       ╲
* ──→●  ┌───┼──●←──      ====>        ──→● a     c ●──→
*    a  │   │  c
* ←────●┘   └●────→                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1   b+1                           c+1   b+1
nd1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[a+1].id);
nd2 = getDistance(cities[b].id, cities[c].id);
nd3 = getDistance(cities[b+1].id, cities[c+1].id);
change_f = nd1 + nd2 + nd3 - od1 - od2 - od3;

/* g)
*       ↓   ↑                               ↑   ↓
*     b ●   ● a+1                         b ●   ● a+1
*       │   │                              ╱     ╲
*       └───┼──┐     1 * 2-opt move       ╱       ╲
* ──→●──────┘  ●──→      ====>        ──→● a   b+1 ●──→
*    a        b+1
* ←────●─────●←────                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1    c                            c+1    c
nd1 = getDistance(cities[a].id, cities[b].id);
nd2 = getDistance(cities[a+1].id, cities[b+1].id);
nd3 = getDistance(cities[c].id, cities[c+1].id);
change_g = nd1 + nd2 + nd3 - od1 - od2 - od3;

// select the best change for the current a, b, c.
change = 0;
if(change > change_a){
change = change_a;
move_type = 'a';

if(change > change_b){
change = change_b;
move_type = 'b';

if(change > change_c){
change = change_c;
move_type = 'c';
if(change > change_d){
change = change_d;
move_type = 'd';
if(change > change_e){
change = change_e;
move_type = 'e';

if(change > change_f){
change = change_f;
move_type = 'f';

if(change > change_g){
change = change_g;
move_type = 'g';

// WARNING: there is no need for the small offset in this case. I don't know why.
if(min_change > change){
min_change = change;
a_min = a;
b_min = b;
c_min = c;
move_type_min = move_type;
if(min_change) threeOptMove(move_type_min, a_min, b_min, c_min);

// update length

void Tour::threeOptMove(char move_type, int a, int b, int c){
std::vector<City> help_cities;

case 'a':
/* a)
*       ↑   ↓                               ↑   ↓
*   b+1 ●   ● c                         b+1 ●   ● c
*        ╲ ╱                               ╱     ╲
*    a    ╳   a+1    3 * 2-opt moves      ╱       ╲
* ──→●───╱─╲───●──→      ====>        ──→● a   a+1 ●──→
*       ╱   ╲
* ←────●     ●←────                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1    b                            c+1    b
* - take tour[0] to tour[a] and add them in order to new tour
* - take tour[b+1] to tour[c] and add them in order to new tour
* - take tour[a+1] to tour[b] and add them in order to new tour
* - take tour[c+1] to end and add them in order to new tour

// compute new_tour
for(int k = 0; k <= a; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];
for(int k = 0; k < c - b; k++){
help_cities[a+k+1] = cities[b+k+1];
for(int k = 0; k < b - a; k++){
help_cities[a+c-b+k+1] = cities[a+k+1];
for(int k = c + 1; k < size; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];

case 'b':
/* b)
*       ↑   ↓                               ↑   ↓
*   b+1 ●   ● c                         b+1 ●   ● c
*       │   │                              ╱     ╲
*    a  └───┼──┐     2 * 2-opt moves      ╱       ╲
* ──→●┐  ┌──┘  ●←──      ====>        ──→● a     b ●──→
*     └──┼───┐ b
* ←────●─┘   ●────→                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1   a+1                           c+1   a+1
* - take tour[0] to tour[a] and add them in order to new tour
* - take tour[b+1] to tour[c] and add them in order to new tour
* - take tour[a+1] to tour[b] and add them in reverse order to new tour
* - take tour[c+1] to end and add them in order to new tour

// compute new_tour
for(int k = 0; k <= a; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];
for(int k = 0; k < c - b; k++){
help_cities[a+k+1] = cities[b+k+1];
for(int k = 0; k < b - a; k++){
help_cities[a+c-b+k+1] = cities[b-k];
for(int k = c + 1; k < size; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];

case 'c':
/* c)
*       ↓   ↑                               ↑   ↓
*     b ●   ● a+1                         b ●   ● a+1
*       │   │                              ╱     ╲
*    ┌──┼───┘  c     2 * 2-opt moves      ╱       ╲
* ──→●  └──┐  ┌●←──      ====>        ──→● a     c ●──→
*    a ┌───┼──┘
* ←────●   └─●────→                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1   b+1                           c+1   b+1
* - take tour[0] to tour[a] and add them in order to new tour
* - take tour[a+1] to tour[b] and add them in reverse order to new tour
* - take tour[b+1] to tour[c] and add them in reverse order to new tour
* - take tour[c+1] to end and add them in order to new tour

// compute new_tour
for(int k = 0; k <= a; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];
for(int k = 0; k < b - a; k++){
help_cities[a+k+1] = cities[b-k];
for(int k = 0; k < c - b; k++){
help_cities[b+k+1] = cities[c-k];
for(int k = c + 1; k < size; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];

case 'd':
/* d)
*       ↓   ↑                               ↑   ↓
*     c ●   ● b+1                         c ●   ● b+1
*       │   │                              ╱     ╲
*    a  │   │ a+1    2 * 2-opt moves      ╱       ╲
* ──→●──┼───┼──●──→      ====>        ──→● a   a+1 ●──→
*       │   │
* ←────●┘   └●←────                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1    b                            c+1    b
* - take tour[0] to tour[a] and add them in order to new tour
* - take tour[b+1] to tour[c] and add them in reverse order to new tour
* - take tour[a+1] to tour[b] and add them in order to new tour
* - take tour[c+1] to end and add them in order to new tour

// compute new_tour
for(int k = 0; k <= a; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];
for(int k = 0; k < c - b; k++){
help_cities[a+k+1] = cities[c-k];
for(int k = 0; k < b - a; k++){
help_cities[a+c-b+k+1] = cities[a+k+1];
for(int k = c + 1; k < size; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];

case 'e':
/* e)
*       ↓   ↑                               ↑   ↓
*     c ●   ● b+1                         c ●   ● b+1
*       │    ╲                             ╱     ╲
*    a  │     ╲      1 * 2-opt move       ╱       ╲
* ──→●──┼────┐ ●←──      ====>        ──→● a     b ●──→
*       │    │ b
* ←────●┘    ●────→                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1   a+1                           c+1   a+1

// compute new_tour
for(int k = 0; k <= a; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];
for(int k = 0; k < c - a; k++){
help_cities[a+k+1] = cities[c-k];
for(int k = c + 1; k < size; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];

case 'f':
/* f)
*        ↑   ↓                               ↑   ↓
*   a+1 ●   ● b                         a+1 ●   ● b
*      ╱    │                              ╱     ╲
*     ╱     │        1 * 2-opt move       ╱       ╲
* ──→●  ┌───┼──●←──      ====>        ──→● a     c ●──→
*    a  │   │  c
* ←────●┘   └●────→                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1   b+1                           c+1   b+1

// compute new_tour
for(int k = 0; k <= b; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];
for(int k = 0; k < c - b; k++){
help_cities[b+k+1] = cities[c-k];
for(int k = c + 1; k < size; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];

case 'g':
/* g)
*       ↓   ↑                               ↑   ↓
*     b ●   ● a+1                         b ●   ● a+1
*       │   │                              ╱     ╲
*       └───┼──┐     1 * 2-opt move       ╱       ╲
* ──→●──────┘  ●──→      ====>        ──→● a   b+1 ●──→
*    a        b+1
* ←────●─────●←────                   ←────●─────●←────
*     c+1    c                            c+1    c

// compute new_tour
for(int k = 0; k <= a; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];
for(int k = 0; k < b - a; k++){
help_cities[a+k+1] = cities[b-k];
for(int k = b + 1; k < size; k++){
help_cities[k] = cities[k];


// update tour
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){
cities[i] = help_cities[i];

// do nothing

Постскриптум Тур заполнен городами с инкрементным индексом, начинающимся с 1.

P.P.S. Я пытался использовать 3-opt и 2-opt в качестве тегов, но мне не хватает репутации



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