использование карт свойств для эквивалентности в vf2_sub_graph_iso

Я пишу код для анализа графов, используя библиотеку наддува, и я хочу использовать vf2_sub_graph_iso функция, в общем vf2_subgraph_iso возвращается true если существует граф-подграф изоморфизма и false в противном случае, но в моем случае я хочу вернуть true только если графики точно такие же (структура и метки), как указано в официальной документации: EdgeEquivalencePredicate а также VertexEquivalencePredicate предикаты используются для проверки эквивалентности ребер и вершин.

Это файл графиков: 3test.txt и вот некоторая часть моего кода:

#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/vf2_sub_graph_iso.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/isomorphism.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>//for mmap:
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;//==========STRUCTURES==========
// vertex
struct VertexProperties {
int id;
int label;
VertexProperties(unsigned i = 0, unsigned l = 0) : id(i), label(l) {}

// edge
struct EdgeProperties {
unsigned label;
EdgeProperties(unsigned l = 0) :label(l) {}

// Graph
struct GraphProperties {
unsigned id;
unsigned label;
GraphProperties(unsigned i = 0, unsigned l = 0) : id(i), label(l) {}

// adjency list
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, VertexProperties, EdgeProperties,
GraphProperties> Graph;

// descriptors

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_t;
typedef std::pair<boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor, bool> edge_t;
// iterators
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vertex_iter;
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator edge_iter;
typedef std::pair<edge_iter, edge_iter> edge_pair;//*********global variables*************vector<Graph> dataG;//=================callback used fro subgraph_iso=================================================================
// Default print_callback
template <typename Graph1,typename Graph2>

struct my_callback {

my_callback(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2)
: graph1_(graph1), graph2_(graph2) {}

template <typename CorrespondenceMap1To2,
typename CorrespondenceMap2To1>
bool operator()(CorrespondenceMap1To2 f, CorrespondenceMap2To1) const {

return true;

const Graph1& graph1_;
const Graph2& graph2_;
void handle_error(const char *msg) {
}//============READ ALL THE FILE AND RETURN A STRING===================
const char *readfromfile(const char *fname, size_t &length) {
int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)

// obtain file size
struct stat sb;
if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1)

length = sb.st_size;

const char *addr = static_cast<const char *>(mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0u));
if (addr == MAP_FAILED)

// TODO close fd at some point in time, call munmap(...)
return addr;
//==========SPLIT THE STRING BY NEWLINE (\n) ==========
vector<string> splitstringtolines(string const& str) {

std::vector<string> split_vector;
split(split_vector, str, is_any_of("\n"));

return split_vector;

//============Get a string starting from pos============
string getpos(int const& pos, string const& yy) {
size_t i = pos;
string str;
for (; ((yy[i] != ' ') && (i < yy.length())); i++) {str += yy[i];}
return str;
//==================read string vector and return graphs vector===================
std::vector<Graph> creategraphs(std::vector<string> const& fichlines) {

for (string yy : fichlines) {
switch (yy[0]) {
case 't': {
string str2 = getpos(4, yy);
unsigned gid = atoi(str2.c_str());
dataG.emplace_back(GraphProperties(gid, gid));

} break;
case 'v': {
assert(!dataG.empty()); // assert will terminate the program  if its argument turns out to be false
// cout<<yy<<endl;
int vId, vLabel;
string vvv = getpos(2, yy);
vId = atoi(vvv.c_str());
string vvvv = getpos((int)vvv.length() + 3, yy);
// cout<<vvvv<<endl;
vLabel = atoi(vvvv.c_str());
boost::add_vertex(VertexProperties(vId, vLabel), dataG.back());


case 'e': { // cout<<yy<<endl;
assert(!dataG.empty()); // assert will terminate the program  if its argument turns out to be false

int fromId, toId, eLabel;
string eee = getpos(2, yy);
// cout<<eee<<endl;
fromId = atoi(eee.c_str());
string eee2 = getpos((int)eee.length() + 3, yy);
// cout<<eee2<<endl;
toId = atoi(eee2.c_str());
int c = (int)eee.length() + (int)eee2.length() + 4;
//    cout<<c<<endl;
string eee3 = getpos(c, yy);
//  cout<<eee3<<endl;
eLabel = atoi(eee3.c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices(dataG.back()); ++i) // size_t vertice number in the graph
if(dataG.back()[i].id==fromId) fromId=i;
else if(dataG.back()[i].id==toId) toId=i;

boost::add_edge(fromId, toId, EdgeProperties(eLabel), dataG.back());

} break;

return dataG;

//==============================M A I N   P R O G R A M =======================================
int main()

size_t length;std::vector<Graph> dataG =creategraphs(splitstringtolines(readfromfile("3test.txt", length)));my_callback<Graph, Graph> my_callback(dataG[0], dataG[3]);
cout<<"equal(dataG[0], dataG[3],my_callback)="<<vf2_sub_graph_iso(dataG[0], dataG[3],my_callback)<<endl;}

Как использовать карты свойств для эквивалентности в my_callback функция для моего случая?

Это простой файл графиков, который включает только 2 графика:

t # 0
v 0 35
v 1 47
v 2 15
v 3 14
v 4 86
e 0 1 10
e 1 2 77
e 1 3 17
e 4 2 43
t # 1
v 0 35
v 1 47
v 2 15
v 3 14
v 4 86
e 0 1 10
e 1 2 7
e 1 3 17
e 4 2 4

Графы имеют одинаковую структуру, но не одинаковые метки, поэтому этот код должен возвращать false и не true:

#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/vf2_sub_graph_iso.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/isomorphism.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp>

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>//for mmap:
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

using namespace boost;

// vertex
struct VertexProperties {
int id;
int label;
VertexProperties(unsigned i = 0, unsigned l = 0) : id(i), label(l) {}

bool operator==(VertexProperties const& other) const {
return tie(id, label) == tie(other.id, other.label);

// edge
struct EdgeProperties {
unsigned label;
EdgeProperties(unsigned l = 0) :label(l) {}

bool operator==(EdgeProperties const& other) const {
return tie(label) == tie(other.label);

// Graph
struct GraphProperties {
unsigned id;
unsigned label;
GraphProperties(unsigned i = 0, unsigned l = 0) : id(i), label(l) {}

// adjency list
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, VertexProperties, EdgeProperties,
GraphProperties> Graph;

// descriptors

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_t;
typedef std::pair<boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor, bool> edge_t;
// iterators
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vertex_iter;
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator edge_iter;
typedef std::pair<edge_iter, edge_iter> edge_pair;//*********global variables*************
std::vector<Graph> dataG;

//=================callback used fro subgraph_iso=================================================================
// Default print_callback
template <typename Graph1,typename Graph2>

struct my_callback {

my_callback(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2)
: graph1_(graph1), graph2_(graph2) {}

template <typename CorrespondenceMap1To2,
typename CorrespondenceMap2To1>
bool operator()(CorrespondenceMap1To2 /*f*/, CorrespondenceMap2To1) const {
return true;

const Graph1& graph1_;
const Graph2& graph2_;
void handle_error(const char *msg) {
}//============READ ALL THE FILE AND RETURN A STRING===================
const char *readfromfile(const char *fname, size_t &length) {
int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)

// obtain file size
struct stat sb;
if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1)

length = sb.st_size;

const char *addr = static_cast<const char *>(mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0u));
if (addr == MAP_FAILED)

// TODO close fd at some point in time, call munmap(...)
return addr;
//==========SPLIT THE STRING BY NEWLINE (\n) ==========
std::vector<std::string> splitstringtolines(std::string const& str) {

std::vector<std::string> split_vector;
split(split_vector, str, is_any_of("\n"));

return split_vector;

//============Get a string starting from pos============
std::string getpos(int const& pos, std::string const& yy) {
size_t i = pos;
std::string str;
for (; ((yy[i] != ' ') && (i < yy.length())); i++) {str += yy[i];}
return str;
//==================read string vector and return graphs vector===================
std::vector<Graph> creategraphs(std::vector<std::string> const& fichlines) {

for (std::string yy : fichlines) {
switch (yy[0]) {
case 't': {
std::string str2 = getpos(4, yy);
unsigned gid = atoi(str2.c_str());
dataG.emplace_back(GraphProperties(gid, gid));

} break;
case 'v': {
assert(!dataG.empty()); // assert will terminate the program  if its argument turns out to be false
// std::cout<<yy<<std::endl;
int vId, vLabel;
std::string vvv = getpos(2, yy);
vId = atoi(vvv.c_str());
std::string vvvv = getpos((int)vvv.length() + 3, yy);
// std::cout<<vvvv<<std::endl;
vLabel = atoi(vvvv.c_str());
boost::add_vertex(VertexProperties(vId, vLabel), dataG.back());


case 'e': { // std::cout<<yy<<std::endl;
assert(!dataG.empty()); // assert will terminate the program  if its argument turns out to be false

int fromId, toId, eLabel;
std::string eee = getpos(2, yy);
// std::cout<<eee<<std::endl;
fromId = atoi(eee.c_str());
std::string eee2 = getpos((int)eee.length() + 3, yy);
// std::cout<<eee2<<std::endl;
toId = atoi(eee2.c_str());
int c = (int)eee.length() + (int)eee2.length() + 4;
//    std::cout<<c<<std::endl;
std::string eee3 = getpos(c, yy);
//  std::cout<<eee3<<std::endl;
eLabel = atoi(eee3.c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices(dataG.back()); ++i) // size_t vertice number in the graph
if(dataG.back()[i].id==fromId) fromId=i;
else if(dataG.back()[i].id==toId) toId=i;

boost::add_edge(fromId, toId, EdgeProperties(eLabel), dataG.back());

} break;

return dataG;

template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2>
bool my_bundled_graph_iso(Graph1 const& graph_small, Graph2 const& graph_large) {
auto const vos = boost::copy_range<std::vector<Graph::vertex_descriptor> >(vertices(graph_small));

return vf2_subgraph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, my_callback<Graph, Graph>(graph_small, graph_large), vos,
edges_equivalent   (make_property_map_equivalent(boost::get(edge_bundle,   graph_small), boost::get(edge_bundle,   graph_large))).
vertices_equivalent(make_property_map_equivalent(boost::get(vertex_bundle, graph_small), boost::get(vertex_bundle, graph_large)))

//==============================M A I N   P R O G R A M =======================================
int main() {
size_t length;
std::vector<Graph> dataG = creategraphs(splitstringtolines(readfromfile("2.txt", length)));
std::cout << std::boolalpha << my_bundled_graph_iso(dataG[0], dataG[1]) << std::endl;

Я не упомянул в вопросе и небольшом прецедентном примере, что вершины могут быть одинаковыми, даже если идентификаторы не совпадают (в разных графах).



Хорошо, давайте рассмотрим документацию.

Для того, чтобы передать нестандартные реализации для EdgeEquivalencePredicate а также VertexEquivalencePredicate тебе нужен вторая перегрузка:

bool vf2_subgraph_iso(const GraphSmall& graph_small,
const GraphLarge& graph_large,
SubGraphIsoMapCallback user_callback,
const VertexOrderSmall& vertex_order_small,
const bgl_named_params<Param, Tag, Rest>& params)

Это означает, что вам нужен как минимум параметр для соответствия vertex_order_small а также params, Давайте сделаем минимальный объем работы и снабжения только vertex_order_small первый:

Упорядоченные вершины меньшего (первого) графа graph_small. В процессе сопоставления вершины проверяются в порядке, заданном vertex_order_small, Тип VertexOrderSmall должен быть моделью ContainerConcept с типом значения graph_traits<GraphSmall>::vertex_descriptor,

По умолчанию Вершины упорядочены по кратности входных / выходных градусов.

Давайте передадим вектор дескрипторов вершин в порядке по умолчанию:

auto const& graph_small = dataG[0];
auto const& graph_large = dataG[3];

auto vos = boost::copy_range<std::vector<Graph::vertex_descriptor> >(vertices(graph_small));
bool iso = vf2_graph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, my_callback, vos, no_named_parameters());

Следующим шагом вы добавляете именованные параметры, например: [¹]

bool iso = vf2_graph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, my_callback, vos,
edges_equivalent   ([&graph_small, &graph_large](Graph::edge_descriptor small_ed, Graph::edge_descriptor large_ed) {
return graph_small[small_ed] == graph_large[large_ed];
vertices_equivalent([&graph_small, &graph_large](Graph::vertex_descriptor small_vd, Graph::vertex_descriptor large_vd) {
return graph_small[small_vd] == graph_large[large_vd];

В качестве окончательного топинга используют make_property_map_equivalent задокументировано здесь:

bool iso = vf2_graph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, my_callback, vos,
edges_equivalent   (make_property_map_equivalent(boost::get(edge_bundle,   graph_small), boost::get(edge_bundle,   graph_large))).
vertices_equivalent(make_property_map_equivalent(boost::get(vertex_bundle, graph_small), boost::get(vertex_bundle, graph_large)))

Смотреть все три шага Жить на Колиру

#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/vf2_sub_graph_iso.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/isomorphism.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_utility.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp>

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>//for mmap:
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

using namespace boost;

// vertex
struct VertexProperties {
int id;
int label;
VertexProperties(unsigned i = 0, unsigned l = 0) : id(i), label(l) {}

bool operator==(VertexProperties const& other) const {
return tie(id, label) == tie(other.id, other.label);

// edge
struct EdgeProperties {
unsigned label;
EdgeProperties(unsigned l = 0) :label(l) {}

bool operator==(EdgeProperties const& other) const {
return tie(label) == tie(other.label);

// Graph
struct GraphProperties {
unsigned id;
unsigned label;
GraphProperties(unsigned i = 0, unsigned l = 0) : id(i), label(l) {}

// adjency list
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS, VertexProperties, EdgeProperties,
GraphProperties> Graph;

// descriptors

typedef boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertex_t;
typedef std::pair<boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor, bool> edge_t;
// iterators
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vertex_iter;
typedef graph_traits<Graph>::edge_iterator edge_iter;
typedef std::pair<edge_iter, edge_iter> edge_pair;//*********global variables*************
std::vector<Graph> dataG;

//=================callback used fro subgraph_iso=================================================================
// Default print_callback
template <typename Graph1,typename Graph2>

struct my_callback {

my_callback(const Graph1& graph1, const Graph2& graph2)
: graph1_(graph1), graph2_(graph2) {}

template <typename CorrespondenceMap1To2,
typename CorrespondenceMap2To1>
bool operator()(CorrespondenceMap1To2 /*f*/, CorrespondenceMap2To1) const {
return true;

const Graph1& graph1_;
const Graph2& graph2_;
void handle_error(const char *msg) {
}//============READ ALL THE FILE AND RETURN A STRING===================
const char *readfromfile(const char *fname, size_t &length) {
int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1)

// obtain file size
struct stat sb;
if (fstat(fd, &sb) == -1)

length = sb.st_size;

const char *addr = static_cast<const char *>(mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0u));
if (addr == MAP_FAILED)

// TODO close fd at some point in time, call munmap(...)
return addr;
//==========SPLIT THE STRING BY NEWLINE (\n) ==========
std::vector<std::string> splitstringtolines(std::string const& str) {

std::vector<std::string> split_vector;
split(split_vector, str, is_any_of("\n"));

return split_vector;

//============Get a string starting from pos============
std::string getpos(int const& pos, std::string const& yy) {
size_t i = pos;
std::string str;
for (; ((yy[i] != ' ') && (i < yy.length())); i++) {str += yy[i];}
return str;
//==================read string vector and return graphs vector===================
std::vector<Graph> creategraphs(std::vector<std::string> const& fichlines) {

for (std::string yy : fichlines) {
switch (yy[0]) {
case 't': {
std::string str2 = getpos(4, yy);
unsigned gid = atoi(str2.c_str());
dataG.emplace_back(GraphProperties(gid, gid));

} break;
case 'v': {
assert(!dataG.empty()); // assert will terminate the program  if its argument turns out to be false
// std::cout<<yy<<std::endl;
int vId, vLabel;
std::string vvv = getpos(2, yy);
vId = atoi(vvv.c_str());
std::string vvvv = getpos((int)vvv.length() + 3, yy);
// std::cout<<vvvv<<std::endl;
vLabel = atoi(vvvv.c_str());
boost::add_vertex(VertexProperties(vId, vLabel), dataG.back());


case 'e': { // std::cout<<yy<<std::endl;
assert(!dataG.empty()); // assert will terminate the program  if its argument turns out to be false

int fromId, toId, eLabel;
std::string eee = getpos(2, yy);
// std::cout<<eee<<std::endl;
fromId = atoi(eee.c_str());
std::string eee2 = getpos((int)eee.length() + 3, yy);
// std::cout<<eee2<<std::endl;
toId = atoi(eee2.c_str());
int c = (int)eee.length() + (int)eee2.length() + 4;
//    std::cout<<c<<std::endl;
std::string eee3 = getpos(c, yy);
//  std::cout<<eee3<<std::endl;
eLabel = atoi(eee3.c_str());
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_vertices(dataG.back()); ++i) // size_t vertice number in the graph
if(dataG.back()[i].id==fromId) fromId=i;
else if(dataG.back()[i].id==toId) toId=i;

boost::add_edge(fromId, toId, EdgeProperties(eLabel), dataG.back());

} break;

return dataG;

//==============================M A I N   P R O G R A M =======================================
int main() {
size_t length;
std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::vector<Graph> dataG = creategraphs(splitstringtolines(readfromfile("3test.txt", length)));
auto const& graph_small = dataG[0];
auto const& graph_large = dataG[3];

my_callback<Graph, Graph> my_callback(graph_small, graph_large);
std::cout << "equal(graph_small, graph_large,my_callback)=" << vf2_graph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, my_callback) << std::endl;

// first step
auto vos = boost::copy_range<std::vector<Graph::vertex_descriptor> >(vertices(graph_small));
std::cout << "equal(graph_small, graph_large,my_callback)=" << vf2_graph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, my_callback, vos, no_named_parameters()) << std::endl;

// second step
auto vos = boost::copy_range<std::vector<Graph::vertex_descriptor> >(vertices(graph_small));

bool iso = vf2_graph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, my_callback, vos,
edges_equivalent   ([&graph_small, &graph_large](Graph::edge_descriptor small_ed, Graph::edge_descriptor large_ed) {
return graph_small[small_ed] == graph_large[large_ed];
vertices_equivalent([&graph_small, &graph_large](Graph::vertex_descriptor small_vd, Graph::vertex_descriptor large_vd) {
return graph_small[small_vd] == graph_large[large_vd];

std::cout << "equal(graph_small, graph_large,my_callback)=" << iso << std::endl;

// third step
auto vos = boost::copy_range<std::vector<Graph::vertex_descriptor> >(vertices(graph_small));

bool iso = vf2_graph_iso(graph_small, graph_large, my_callback, vos,
edges_equivalent   (make_property_map_equivalent(boost::get(edge_bundle,   graph_small), boost::get(edge_bundle,   graph_large))).
vertices_equivalent(make_property_map_equivalent(boost::get(vertex_bundle, graph_small), boost::get(vertex_bundle, graph_large)))

std::cout << "equal(graph_small, graph_large,my_callback)=" << iso << std::endl;

Вывод на печать:

equal(graph_small, graph_large,my_callback)=true
equal(graph_small, graph_large,my_callback)=true
equal(graph_small, graph_large,my_callback)=false
equal(graph_small, graph_large,my_callback)=false

[¹] Конечно, при условии, что вы реализуете operator== для ваших свойств ребер и вершин (см. полный список)


Другие решения

По вопросам рекламы ammmcru@yandex.ru