Core Audio — CoreAudio API в Borland Builder C ++ 6

Мне нужно использовать CoreAudio API для управления громкостью в Windows 7 и с Borland Builder C ++, это кажется невозможным.
Кажется, я не могу использовать эти заголовочные файлы Windows SDK для компоновщика c ++ из-за проблем с версией и т. Д.



__RPC__in определяется в rpcsal.h, который не включен в C ++ Builder 6 (он был добавлен в C ++ Builder 2007). Вы можете определить __RPC__in (и другие связанные определения) вручную в вашем коде по мере необходимости, прежде чем включать mmdeviceapi.hНапример:

#ifndef __RPCSAL_H_VERSION__
#define __RPC_in
// other related defines, such as __RPC__out...

#include <mmdeviceapi.h>

__RPC__in и другие связанные символы — это просто макросы препроцессора, помогающие самому документировать код, на самом деле они ничего не делают для компилятора C ++ (но делают для инструмента анализа Microsoft PreFAST).

Вот содержание rpcsal.h (с PREFAST определяет удалено, в противном случае содержимое слишком велико для приема StackOverflow):

#pragma option push -b -a8 -pc -A- /*P_O_Push*/
*                                                                *
* rpcsal.h - markers for documenting the semantics of RPC APIs   *
*                                                                *
* Version 1.0                                                    *
*                                                                *
* Copyright (c) 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. *
*                                                                *

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Introduction
// rpcsal.h provides a set of annotations to describe how RPC functions use their
// parameters - the assumptions it makes about them, adn the guarantees it makes
// upon finishing.  These annotations are similar to those found in specstrings.h,
// but are designed to be used by the MIDL compiler when it generates annotations
// enabled header files.
// IDL authors do not need to annotate their functions declarations.  The MIDL compiler
// will interpret the IDL directives and use one of the annotations contained
// in this header.  This documentation is intended to help those trying to  understand
// the MIDL-generated header files or those who maintain their own copies of these files.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Differences between rpcsal.h and specstrings.h
// There are a few important differences between the annotations found in rpcsal.h and
// those in specstrings.h:
// 1. [in] parameters are not marked as read-only.  They may be used for scratch space
// at the server and changes will not affect the client.
// 2. String versions of each macro alleviates the need for a special type definition
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interpreting RPC Annotations
// These annotations are interpreted precisely in the same way as those in specstrings.h.
// Please refer to that header for information related to general usage in annotations.
// To construct an RPC annotation, concatenate the appropriate value from each category
// along with a leading __RPC_.  A typical annotation looks like "__RPC__in_string".
// |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
// | RPC Annotations                                                                  |
// |------------|------------|---------|--------|----------|----------|---------------|
// |   Level    |   Usage    |  Size   | Output | Optional |  String  |  Parameters   |
// |------------|------------|---------|--------|----------|----------|---------------|
// | <>         | <>         | <>      | <>     | <>       | <>       | <>            |
// | _deref     | _in        | _ecount | _full  | _opt     | _string  | (size)        |
// | _deref_opt | _out       | _bcount | _part  |          |          | (size,length) |
// |            | _inout     |         |        |          |          |               |
// |            |            |         |        |          |          |               |
// |------------|------------|---------|--------|----------|----------|---------------|
// Level: Describes the buffer pointer's level of indirection from the parameter or
//          return value 'p'.
// <>         : p is the buffer pointer.
// _deref     : *p is the buffer pointer. p must not be NULL.
// _deref_opt : *p may be the buffer pointer. p may be NULL, in which case the rest of
//                the annotation is ignored.
// Usage: Describes how the function uses the buffer.
// <>     : The buffer is not accessed. If used on the return value or with _deref, the
//            function will provide the buffer, and it will be uninitialized at exit.
//            Otherwise, the caller must provide the buffer. This should only be used
//            for alloc and free functions.
// _in    : The function will only read from the buffer. The caller must provide the
//            buffer and initialize it. Cannot be used with _deref.
// _out   : The function will only write to the buffer. If used on the return value or
//            with _deref, the function will provide the buffer and initialize it.
//            Otherwise, the caller must provide the buffer, and the function will
//            initialize it.
// _inout : The function may freely read from and write to the buffer. The caller must
//            provide the buffer and initialize it. If used with _deref, the buffer may
//            be reallocated by the function.
// Size: Describes the total size of the buffer. This may be less than the space actually
//         allocated for the buffer, in which case it describes the accessible amount.
// <>      : No buffer size is given. If the type specifies the buffer size (such as
//             with LPSTR and LPWSTR), that amount is used. Otherwise, the buffer is one
//             element long. Must be used with _in, _out, or _inout.
// _ecount : The buffer size is an explicit element count.
// _bcount : The buffer size is an explicit byte count.
// Output: Describes how much of the buffer will be initialized by the function. For
//           _inout buffers, this also describes how much is initialized at entry. Omit this
//           category for _in buffers; they must be fully initialized by the caller.
// <>    : The type specifies how much is initialized. For instance, a function initializing
//           an LPWSTR must NULL-terminate the string.
// _full : The function initializes the entire buffer.
// _part : The function initializes part of the buffer, and explicitly indicates how much.
// Optional: Describes if the buffer itself is optional.
// <>   : The pointer to the buffer must not be NULL.
// _opt : The pointer to the buffer might be NULL. It will be checked before being dereferenced.
// String: Describes if the buffer is NULL terminated
// <>      : The buffer is not assumed to be NULL terminated
// _string : The buffer is assumed to be NULL terminated once it has been initialized
// Parameters: Gives explicit counts for the size and length of the buffer.
// <>            : There is no explicit count. Use when neither _ecount nor _bcount is used.
// (size)        : Only the buffer's total size is given. Use with _ecount or _bcount but not _part.
// (size,length) : The buffer's total size and initialized length are given. Use with _ecount_part
//                   and _bcount_part.
// Notes:
// 1. Specifying two buffer annotations on a single parameter results in unspecified behavior
//    (e.g. __RPC__in_bcount(5) __RPC__out_bcount(6)
// 2. The size of the buffer and the amount that has been initialized are separate concepts.
//    Specify the size using _ecount or _bcount.  Specify the amount that is initialized using
//    _full, _part, or _string.  As a special case, a single element buffer does not need
//    _ecount, _bcount, _full, or _part
// 3. The count may be less than the total size of the buffer in which case it describes the
//    accessible portion.
// 4. "__RPC__opt" and "__RPC_deref" are not valid annotations.
// 5. The placement of _opt when using _deref is important:
//      __RPC__deref_opt_...      : Input may be NULL
//      __RPC__deref_..._opt      : Output may be NULL
//      __RPC__deref_opt_..._opt  : Both input and output may be NULL

#pragma once

#include <specstrings.h>

#ifndef __RPCSAL_H_VERSION__
#define __RPCSAL_H_VERSION__        ( 100 )
#endif // __RPCSAL_H_VERSION__

#error incorrect <rpcsal.h> version. Use the header that matches with the MIDL compiler.
#endif#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif  // #ifdef __cplusplus

#if (_MSC_VER >= 1000) && !defined(__midl) && defined(_PREFAST_)

// PREFAST defines removed for brevity...

#else   // not prefast

#define __RPC__range(min,max)
#define __RPC__in_range(min,max)

#define __RPC__in
#define __RPC__in_string
#define __RPC__in_opt_string
#define __RPC__in_ecount(size)
#define __RPC__in_ecount_full(size)
#define __RPC__in_ecount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__in_ecount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__in_ecount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__in_ecount_full_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__inout_ecount_full_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__in_ecount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__in_xcount(size)
#define __RPC__in_xcount_full(size)
#define __RPC__in_xcount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__in_xcount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__in_xcount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__in_xcount_full_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__inout_xcount_full_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__in_xcount_part_opt(size, length)

#define __RPC__deref_in
#define __RPC__deref_in_string
#define __RPC__deref_in_opt
#define __RPC__deref_in_opt_string
#define __RPC__deref_opt_in
#define __RPC__deref_opt_in_string
#define __RPC__deref_opt_in_opt
#define __RPC__deref_opt_in_opt_string
#define __RPC__deref_in_ecount(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_ecount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_in_ecount_full(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_ecount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_ecount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_ecount_full_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_ecount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_ecount_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_ecount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_in_xcount(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_xcount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_in_xcount_full(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_xcount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_xcount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_xcount_full_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_xcount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_xcount_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_in_xcount_part_opt(size, length)

// [out]
#define __RPC__out
#define __RPC__out_ecount(size)
#define __RPC__out_ecount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__out_ecount_full(size)
#define __RPC__out_ecount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__out_xcount(size)
#define __RPC__out_xcount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__out_xcount_full(size)
#define __RPC__out_xcount_full_string(size)

// [in,out]
#define __RPC__inout
#define __RPC__inout_string
#define __RPC__opt_inout
#define __RPC__inout_ecount(size)
#define __RPC__inout_ecount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__inout_ecount_full(size)
#define __RPC__inout_ecount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__inout_xcount(size)
#define __RPC__inout_xcount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__inout_xcount_full(size)
#define __RPC__inout_xcount_full_string(size)

// [in,unique]
#define __RPC__in_opt
#define __RPC__in_ecount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__in_xcount_opt(size)// [in,out,unique]
#define __RPC__inout_opt
#define __RPC__inout_opt_string
#define __RPC__inout_ecount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__inout_ecount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__inout_ecount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__inout_ecount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__inout_xcount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__inout_xcount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__inout_xcount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__inout_xcount_full_string(size)

// [out] **
#define __RPC__deref_out
#define __RPC__deref_out_string
#define __RPC__deref_out_opt
#define __RPC__deref_out_opt_string
#define __RPC__deref_out_ecount(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_ecount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_xcount(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_xcount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_out_xcount_full(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_xcount_full_string(size)// [in,out] **, second pointer decoration.
#define __RPC__deref_inout
#define __RPC__deref_inout_string
#define __RPC__deref_inout_opt
#define __RPC__deref_inout_opt_string
#define __RPC__deref_inout_ecount_full(size)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_ecount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_ecount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_ecount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_ecount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_ecount_full_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_xcount_full(size)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_xcount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_xcount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_xcount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_xcount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_inout_xcount_full_opt_string(size)

// #define __RPC_out_opt    out_opt is not allowed in rpc

// [in,out,unique]
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_string
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_ecount(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_ecount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_ecount_full(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_ecount_full_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_xcount(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_xcount_part(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_xcount_full(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_xcount_full_string(size)

#define __RPC__deref_out_ecount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_ecount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_ecount_full_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_xcount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_xcount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_out_xcount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_out_xcount_full_opt_string(size)

#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_opt
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_opt_string
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_ecount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_ecount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_ecount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_ecount_full_opt_string(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_xcount_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_xcount_part_opt(size, length)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_xcount_full_opt(size)
#define __RPC__deref_opt_inout_xcount_full_opt_string(size)

#define __RPC_full_pointer
#define __RPC_unique_pointer
#define __RPC_ref_pointer
#define __RPC_string#endif

#ifdef  __cplusplus
#endif#pragma option pop /*P_O_Pop*/

Тогда вы можете сделать:

#include "rpcsal.h"#include <mmdeviceapi.h>

Другие решения

По вопросам рекламы